Archival objects in this container: St. Francis Hotel, Grand Ballroom, A Tasting of California Wines, menu, 1980 July 15 St. Francis Hotel, Colonial and Italian Ballrooms, Junior Dinner of the Wine and Food Society San Francisco Branch, menu, 1951 February 13 St. Francis Yacht Club, La Confrerie des Vignerons de Saint Vincent, menu, 1979 January 27 St. Francis Yacht Club, Gala Dinner Dance, menu, 1979 November 13 Shadows, menu, approximately 1961 to 1990 Scotts Carriage House Restaurant, menu, 1983 Sheraton-Palace Hotel, The Wine and Food Society of San Francisco Presents the Annual Junior Dinner, menu, 1955 January 19 Sheraton-Palace Hotel, The Wine and Food Society of San Francisco Le Diner des Dames, menu, 1955 May 18