Archival objects in this container: One Market, menu, 1993 to 1994 One Market, wine list, 1994 Omar Khayam's, menu, approximately 1938 to 1980 Original Joe's, menu, approximately 1940 to 1970 Ott's Coffee Shop, menu, 1967 Palace of the Legion of Honor, The Book Club of California Fiftieth Anniversary Dinner, menu, 1962 December 08 Pastis, International Wine and Food Society Bastille Day Celebration, menu, 1996 July 14 Presidio Officers' Open Mess, menu, 1981 July 28 Pauline's Pizza Pie, menu, approximately 1961 to 1990 The Portman Hotel, A Taste of America, menu, 1987 November 23 Palace Hotel, Banquet Tendered to Benjamin Harrison President of the United States, menu, 1891 May 01 Palace Hotel, Hotel Men's Mutual Benefit Association, menu, 1896 April 04 Palace Hotel, The Wine and Food Society of San Francisco Diner Du 11 Anniversaire Wild Duck, menu, 1954 November 17 Rive Gauche, menu, approximately 1961 to 1990 Ritz Carlton, The Restaurant, menu, approximately 1991 to 2010 Ranch House Dinners, menu, approximately 1931 to 1960 Ristorante Firenze, menu, approximately 1961 to 1990 The Rotunda at Neiman Marcus, menu, approximately 1961 to 1990 Rotunda Restaurant, menu, approximately 1961 to 1990 Ron and Steve's, menu, 1975 Sam's Grill, menu, approximately 1961 to 1990 Speckmann's, menu, approximately 1961 to 1990 Shandygaff Restaurant, menu, approximately 1961 to 1990 The Stinking Rose, menu, approximately 1961 to 1990 Skipper Kent's, menu, approximately 1961 to 1990 Load More