Archival objects in this container: Nitz, Owen, Jerry Berry property condemnation by Nevada Department of Highways, 1966 N.J. Distributing Co., 1520 So. A St., 1959-1960 Nonis and Davis, proposed commercial bldg., highway, Pittman, 1955 Normandy Auto Court, 708 So. 5th St., 1943-1948 Normandy Auto Court and Nevada Motel, 708 Las Vegas Blvd. So., 704 Las Vegas Blvd. So., 1960 Northern Transportation Co., Utah Ave. and A St., 1948 North Las Vegas, city of, undated North Las Vegas, city of, 1963 North Las Vegas Hospital, undated Norton, W.J., warehouse, 811-813 No. Main St., 1955 Nu-Way Cleaner, 1853 No. Main St., 1949