Archival objects in this container: Brown, Joe, racetrack property, 1963 Cordova, Dan, Green Hut Café, Boulder City, 1945 Builders Supply, A St. and Colorado Ave., 1622 So. A St, 1213 So. Main St., 1948-1953 Corn Creek Ranch, 25 mi. north of Las Vegas, 1939 Bunch, John, Service Station and Auto Camp, Whitney, 1937, 1939 Corradetti, Oasis Café bldg., 123 Fremont St., undated Cottonwood Court, 3 mi. so. on Hwy. 91, 1946 Cottonwood Lodge, Fourmile, 1960 Couch, Ted, auto court, 3305 So. 5th St., 1953 Covrig, John, apt. bldg., 512 So. 1st St., 1948-1959 Cozy Auto Court, 317 So. 5th St., 1939-1949 Cragin, Lucille, theater Army St. and Panama St., Henderson; S4, T21S, R60E, 1965, 1970 Craner, Claire, office bldg., 721 E. Fremont St., 1953, 1957 Creel Printing, 2650 Westwood Dr., 1973 Crestmont Construction Co., tract house plans, 1961 Cromer, Cherry, and Cahlan, proposed office building, 1962 Croyden Arms Motel, 3961 Las Vegas Blvd. So., 1970 Crum, Clarence, trailer court, 2848 E. Fremont St., 1955 Crystal Ice Co., undated Culinary Union, 113 W. New York St., Commerce St. and A St., 1630 So. Commerce St., 1967-1970 Cumorah Credit Union, 1966-1970 Cunningham Realty Co., Salt Lake Hwy., opposite air field, 1941 Cutright, Ray, commercial bldg., 1527 So. Main St., 1955