Archival objects in this container: A Book of Americans by Rosemary Benét and Stephen Vincent Benét, 1944 August A Little Night Music by Gerald W. Johnson, 1945 July A Wartime Whitman by Major William A. Aiken, ed., 1945 March Avalanche by Kay Boyle, 1944 May Dithers and Jitters by Cornelia Otis Skinner, 1945 April Excuse It, Please! by Cornelia Otis Skinner, 1945 January Let the Hurricane Roar by Rose Wilder Lane, 1943 October North Africa by Alan H. Brodrick, 1943 November Selected Poems by A. E. Housman, 1944 September Selected Poems by Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1944 November The McKenneys Carry On by Ruth McKenney, 1945 June The Story of Dr. Wassell by James Hilton, 1943 December The Ugly Dachshund by G. B. Stern, 1945 February The Voice of the Turtle by John Van Druten, 1945 September This Simian World by Clarence Day, 1944 July Adventures of Superman by George Lowther, 1945 May Boomerang by Commander William Chambliss, 1944 December Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke by Rupert Brooke, 1945 August My Heart Leaps Up and Other Poems by William Wordsworth, 1945 July Quo Vadimus? or, The Case for the Bicycle by E. B. White, 1945 June Selected Poems of John Keats by John Keats, 1945 February Semper Fidelis by Keith Ayling, 1944 May Seven Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1944 January The Postman Always Rings Twice by James M. Cain, 1945 January The Sea of Grass by Conrad Richter, 1943 November Load More