Archival objects in this container: Stardust Hotel and Casino audio advertisement ($28 dollar room rate and other amenities): audio, 1991 February 26 to 1991 March 01 Stardust Hotel and Casino jingle package featuring "One Quarter Mile of Entertainment" song: audio, approximately 1990 to 1999 Stardust Hotel "Enter The Night" main radio spot: audio, 2003 September 15 Stardust Line" hosted by Arne Lang and Jay Richards: audio, 1990 Stardust Line" hosted by Arne Lang and Jay Richards: audio, 1996 October 28 "The Talk of the West KVWN 720AM Las Vegas" Stardust Line: audio, approximately 1985 to 1995 Stardust, scratch read, undated Lido rehearsal tracks, undated Stardust, Chicago, 2001 March 03 Stardust, Chicago, DeAnne, 2002 January 04 KLAC rodeo promotion, undated "Look-in' For Love" music by Frank Cazares and Tom Cavanagh, undated Stardust Hotel Ray Anthony, undated Stardust phone message, undated "We're the union," Johnson and Tofte and KKLZ radio, undated Giovanni, 1996 December Stardust, "Lido de Paris Radio", 1988 October 25