Archival objects in this container: Carbon-14 in Waste Packages for Spent Fuel in a Tuff Repository - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1986 October 14 Reference Waste Package Environment Report - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1986 October 01 Parametric Testing of a DWPF Glass - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1985 March Reaction of the Topopah Spring Tuff with J013 Water at 120 Degrees C. - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1984 July 18 Report on Static Hydrothermal Alteration Studies of Topopah Spring Tuff Waters in J-13 Water at 150 Degrees Celcius - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1984 August 31 Application of the Ruthenium and Technetium Thermodynamic Data Bases Used in the EQ3/6 Geochemical Codes - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-53594, UC-70, 1985 April Fixed-Fugacity Option for the EG6 Geochemical Reaction Path Code - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1984 December 20 Transport Properties of Topopah Spring Tuff - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1984 October Hydraulic Testing of Well HTH-5 in Central Nevada - USDOI, Geological Survey, 1969 October Records of Selected Wells and Springs in the Rulison Project Area - USDOI, Geological Survey, 1969 September A Summary of Information and Ideas Regarding Sinks and Collapse, Nevada Test Site - USDOI, Geological Survey, 1970 January Preliminary Geologic Map of the Moores Station Quadrangle, Nevada - USDOI, Geological Survey, 1970 Hydraulic Testing of Well HTH-23 in Central Nevada - USDOI, Geological Survey, 1969 June Hydraulic Tests in Hole UAE-3, Amchitka Island, Alaska - USDOI, Geological Survey, 1973 April Geologic Map of Lunar Crater Quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada - Geological Survey, USGS-474-28, Central Nevada-33, Open File 6-24-69, 1969 June Hydraulic Testing of Well HTH-3 in Central Nevada - USDOI, Geological Survey, 1969 August Near-Surface Sink Structure, Nevada Test Site - United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, 1970 January Preliminary Lithology of Drill Hole UCE-1, Central Nevada, Supplementary Test Site - Geological Survey, Technical Letter: Central Nevada-12, 1967 November 15 Bibliography of Reports by the U.S. Geological Survey Special Projects Branch Personnel, August 1, 1867 to July 31, 1968; with Author and Subject Indexes - Geological Survey, 1969 January 13 Lithologic Logs of Six Exploratory Holes (Uce-9, -10, -11, -12a, -13, and -14) Drilled in Alluvium in Central Nevada - Geological Survey, Interagency Report: Central Nevada-1, 1967 December 28 Temperature Data from Exploratory Boreholes at the Supplemental Test Site, Central Nevada: An Interim Report Interagency Report: Central Nevada-5 United States Department of Interior Geological Survey, 1968 September 30 Bibliography if Reports by the U.S. Geological Survey Special Projects Branch Personnel, July 1, 1969 to December 31, 1970, with Author and Subject Indexes - Geological Survey, 1971 Lithologic Logs of the UCE-2, UCE-3 and UCE-16 Drill Holes, Stone Cabin and Monitor Valleys, Nye County, Nevada - Geological Survey, USGA-474-9, Central Nevada-27, 1969 March 17 Report of Exploration Progress, Central Nevada Period January 1, 1968-April 1, 1969 - Geological Survey, USGA-474-18, Central Nevada-30, 1969 April Sequence of Surface Movement and Fracturing During Sink Subsidence, Nevada Test Site - Geological Survey, USGS-474-56, NTS-219, 1970 February Load More