Archival objects in this container: Conceptual Operations Report for a Repository at the Yucca Mountain Site - Contractor Report, Sandia Laboratories, 1984 August Review of Seismic Studies for the Prospective Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository - Contractor Report, Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations Project, Sandia Laboratories, SAND83-7458, UC-70, 1985 December Preliminary Upper-Bound Consequence Analysis for a Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada - Contractor Report, Sandia Laboratories, 1984 August Preliminary Two-Dimensional Regional Hyrdologic Model of the Nevada Test Site and Vicinity - Contractor Report, Sandia Laboratories, 1984 August Preliminary Evaluation of the Subsurface Area Available for a Potential Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain - Sandia Report, 1984 December Effect of Host-Rock Dissolution and Precipitation on Permeability in a Nuclear Waste Repository in Tuff - Sandia Report, 1984 September Geoengineering Properties of Potential Repository Units at Yucca Mountain, Southern Nevada - Sandia National Laboratories, SAND84-0221, UC-70, 1984 December The Underground System for Disposal of Contact Handled Transuranic Waste at the Potential Yucca Mountain Repository - Sandia Report, 1984 September Meterological Design Parameters for the Candidate Site of a Radioactive-Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada - Sandia Report, 1984 December Reducation of the Well Test Data for Test Well USW H-1, Adjacent to Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada - Sandia Report, 1985 May Surface-to-Ground Access Study for the Prospective Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository - - Sandia Report, Sandia Laboratories, 1985 May Preliminary Bounds on the Expected Postclosure Performance of the Yucca Mountain Repository Site, Southern Nevada - Sandia Report, Sandia Laboratories, 1984 December Repository Sealing Plan for the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations Project Fiscal Years 1984 through 1990 - Sandia Report, Sandia Laboratories, 1985 February Benchmarking NNWSI Flow and Transport Codes: Cove 1 Results - Sandia Report, Sandia Laboratories, 1985 June