Archival objects in this container: U.S. Department of Energy Environment, Safety, and Health: Compliance Assessment of the Nevada Test Site, 1990 January 1982 Survey of U.S. Uranium Exploration Activity, Energy Information Administration, 1983 August 1983 Survey of U.S. Uranium Exploration Activity, Energy Information Administration, 1984 July Survey of United States Uranium Marketing Activity for 1983, Energy Information Administration, 1984 August Technology '90, U.S. Department of Energy, RandD Laboratory Technology Transfer Program, undated Sodium Line Reversal Plasma Temperature Measurement System, undated Laser Doppler Velocimeter Particle Velocity Measurement System: Diagnostic Instrumentation and Analysis Laboratory, Mississippi State University, FE-15601 Tropical Report 9, undated Coherent Anti-Strokes Raman Spectroscopy System for Point Temperature and Major Species Concentration Measurements: Diagnostic Instrumentation and Analysis Laboratory, Mississippi State University, FE-15601 Tropical Report 11, undated Tiger Team Assessment of the Savannah River Site, 1990 June Power Plant Cost and Power Production Expenses for 1990, 1992 June Energy Information Administration: An Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Costs, EIA, undated Fourteenth Annual Report: Radiation Exposures for DOE and DOE Contractor Employees 1981, 1983 March Polycrystalline Silicon Study: Low-cost Silicon Refining Technology Prospects and Semiconductor-grade Polycrystalline Silicon Availability through 1988 by E. N. Costogue, R. R. Ferber, R. Lutwack, 1984 May 30 Multijunction Cells for Concentrators: Technology Prospects - Issue Study for Solar Energy, 1984 November 15 What Should be Done to Help Establish Voluntary Consensus Standards for Measuring and Rating the Performance of PV Modules? - Issue Study, 1984 October 31 Sensitivities of Projected 1990 Photovoltaic Systems Costs to Major System Cost Drivers by L. W. Zimmerman and J. L. Smith, 1984 December 15 Silicon-Sheet and Thin-Film Cell and Module Technology Potential - Issue Study by K. Shimada, E. N. Costogue, and R. R. Ferber, 1984 December 31 Central Receiver Solar Thermal Power System: Collector Subsystem Extended Life Test - Final Report, 1979 May 18 Line Focus Solar Thermal Central Receiver Research Study - Final Report by Daniel G. DiCanio, William J. Treytl, Frank A. Jur, and C. Don Watson, 1979 April Engineering Field Test of a Solar Cooling System Topical Report: Phases I and II, 1981 August Semicrystalline Casting Process Development and Verification Final Report for June 19, 1980-February 28, 1984, undated Geothermal Reservoir Assessment Case Study, Northern Dixie Valley, Nevada - Final Report, 1980 Nevada Workshop on Subsurface Disposal of Geopressured Fluids, Gulf Coast Proceedings: Louisana State University, 1979 March 06-07 Hot Dry Rock Feasibility Study: Work Performed Under Contract No. FG-04-80ET27464, 1981 August Radiation and Transmutation Effects Relevant to Solid Nuclear Waste Forms: DOE Research and Development Report, Rockwell International, undated Load More