Archival objects in this container: Conceptual and Mathematical Models of the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System, CNWRA 95-019, 1995 May Expert-Panel Review of the Integrated Waste Package Experiments Research Project, CNWRA 95-020, 1995 September Thermal Stability and Mechanical Properties of High-Level Radioactive Waste Container Materials: Assessment of Carbon and Low-Allot Steels, CNWRA 96-004, 1996 May User's Manual for Multiflo: Part 1 Metra 1.0 Two-Phase Nonisothermal Flow Simluator, CNWRA 96-005, 1996 May Southeastern Regional Geologic Characterization Report: Volume 2, Appendixes - Final, DOE/CH-6(2), 1985 August Southeastern Regional Geologic Characterization Report: Volume 3, Plates - Final, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, Crystalline Repository Project Office, DOE/CH-6(3), 1985 August Northeastern Regional Geologic Charactererization Report: Volume 1, Text - Final, DOE/CH-7(1), 1985 August Northeastern Regional Geologic Charactererization Report: Volume 2, Appendixes - Final, DOE/CH-7(2), 1985 August Northeastern Regional Geologic Characterization Report: Volume 3, Plates - Final, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, Crystalline Repository Project Office, DOE/CH-7(3), 1985 August North Central Regional Geologic Characterization Report: Volume 1, Text - Final, DOE/CH-8(1), 1985 August North Central Regional Geologic Characterization Report: Volume 2, Plates - Final, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, Crystalline Repository Project Office, DOE/CH-8(1), 1985 August D-1021: Technical Assistance in Hydrogeology - Project B Analysis; Nuclear Waste Consultants, 1985 October 11-1986 December 29 D-1035: Statement of Work for Operating the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA), 1985 October 25 D-1036: Discovery and Rule Making Perspectives on the Use of an Information Storage and Retrieval System in the Licensing Proceedings for the HLW Repository, 1985 February 14-1985 December 17 D-1046: Demonstration of Laser Disc Technology for Licensing Records; Smithsonian Institution, 1986 November 05