Archival objects in this container: Memo from Mary Dale Deacon, Director of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, RE: Proposal to Establish a NRC Repository in Our Library with attachment from Federal Register, Vol. 52, no. 160 Aug. 19, 1987, 1987 September 01 WM-11: Potential high-level radioactive waste geologic repository site Yucca Mountain, NV, 1977 August 12 Letter from Jona L. Souder, Chief, Local Public Document Room Branch, Division of Rules and Records, Office of Administration and Resources Management, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Mary Dale Deacon, Director of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas confirming the establishment of the James. R. Dickinson Library, as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) official local public document room (LPDR) for material related to the licensing of the Department of Energy's proposed high-level waste geologic repository site near Yucca Mountain, Nevada with Federal Register Notice, 1988 February 17 WM-11: Potential high-level radioactive waste geologic repository site Yucca Mountain, NV, 1978 January 01-1981 December 31 Letter from Eileen Niemeyer, Grants Officer, Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Mary Dale Deacon, James R. Dickinson Library, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Subject: Cooperative Agreement No. NCR-39-89-173 with copy of executed agreement, 1989 April 10 WM-11: Potential high-level radioactive waste geologic repository site Yucca Mountain, NV, 1982 January 05-1982 June 24 LPDR User's Guide [for the Collection of High-Level Waste Repository documents], United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1987 WM-11: Potential high-level radioactive waste geologic repository site Yucca Mountain, NV, 1982 July 01-1982 December 31 Public Document Room file classification system. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of the Secretary. NUREG/BR-0052, rev. 1, 1986 August WM-11: Potential high-level radioactive waste geologic repository site Yucca Mountain, NV, 1983 January 03-1983 May 02 Site characterization plan public handbook, Yucca Mountain, Nevada. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management. DOE/RW-0206, 1989 January WM-11: Potential high-level radioactive waste geologic repository site Yucca Mountain, NV, 1983 May 03-1983 October 03 Distribution lists: Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI) Collection, 1988 June-1991 February WM-11: Potential high-level radioactive waste geologic repository site Yucca Mountain, NV, 1983 October 04-1983 December 16 Distribution lists: Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) Collection, 1991 March-1995 March 03 WM-11: Potential high-level radioactive waste geologic repository site Yucca Mountain, NV, 1984 January 01-1984 April 30 Distribution lists: Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Office (YMSCO) Collection, 1995 March 24-2000 March 03 LPDR update, v. 1-9. U.S. NRC Local Public Document Room Branch. NUREG/BR-0057, 1983-1998 NRC, regulator of nuclear safety. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. NUREG/BR-0164, 1992 April Public Document Room user's guide. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. NUREG/BR-0004, Rev. 2, 1992 November Walker, J. Samuel. A Short History of Nuclear Regulation, 1946-1990. NUREG/BR-0175, 1993 January Nevada and the Yucca Mountain Project. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project. DOE/YMP-004, 1994 Information digest. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1997 edition. NUREG-1350, volume 9, 1997 May Information digest. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1998 edition. NUREG-1350, volume 10, 1998 November Citizen's Guide to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Information, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. NUREG/BR-0010, Rev. 3, 1998 December Load More