Archival objects in this container: Maslow, Mike, 4030 Acapulco Ave., 1969 Maslow, Myer, 5321 Simpson Dr., 1962 Mason and McDuffie, 5591 W. Alfred Dr.; 4581 Coachmen Cir.; 4586 Carriage Ln.; 4563 Coachmen Cir., 1964 Mason Electric, 26th St. and Sunrise Ave., 1957-1963 Mason, 222 So. 17th St., 1947 Mason, Edgar, 1830 Roosevelt Ave.; 704-706 Williams Ave., North Las Vegas; 23 Washington Ave. (previous: Earl A. Jones), 1945-1947 Mason, G.F., 132 So. 26th St.; 138 So. 26th St., 1947 Largen, Josephine, 314 So. 10th St., 1972 Mason, Jack, 3201 Skipworth Dr., 1966 Lariat Club, 2122 Western Ave., 1964 Mason, Lavern, 501 No. 15th St., 1953, 1954 Larimore Construction Co. warehouse, 1706 Industrial Rd., 1961 Mason, Masey, 3009 Cedar St., 1951 Larkin Plumbing, 1017 So. 1st St.; Industrial Rd. and Chicago Ave., 1945, 1954 Mason, Retta, 209 Colorado Ave., 1944, 1947, 1948 Larkin, Herman, 707 So. 5th St., 1951 Mason, Walter, Palmyra Ave., undated Larkin, Mrs. Montrue, 1017 So. 1st St, 1959, 1962 Masons of Las Vegas (Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Nevada), Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 29, Clark's Las Vegas Townsite; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,, Block 30, Clark's Las Vegas Townsite; Lots 1,2, Block 10, Ladd's Addition; 13th St. and Fremont St., 1961-1969 Larnin, Ila, 80 acres, north and west of Las Vegas, 1952 Massa, Adrian L., 4406 Dover Pl., 1955 Laroche, Vera, S25, T21S, R61E, 1964 Massovich, 101 Bonneville Ave., 1962 Larrabee, Alyce, S30, T19S, R60E, 1962 Massovitch, Vladimir, 611 So. 1st St., undated Load More