Archival objects in this container: Fractures along a Portion of the Emerson Fault Zone Related to the 1992 Landers, California, Earthquake: Evidence for the Galway Lake Road Rotated Block, Map and Chart Series, 1998 Interactions Between Humans and Their Environment in Tsezhin Bii, Arizona, A Proposal for Interagency Study of Arid Lands in the Hopi Buttes Area of the American Southwest, 1994 May Ground-Water Conditions in the Navajo Sandstone in the Central Virgin River Basin, Utah, 1978 Dating Quaternary Sediments, 1988 The Geological Society of America, 91st Annual Cordilleran Section, Abstracts with Programs, 1995 May 24-26 Yucca Mountain as a Radioactive-Waste Repository, 1999 Hydrogeology Journal, 1998 June Geological Survey Research, 1970 Special Wasteform Lysimeters Initial Three-Year Monitoring Report, 1985 November Lysimeter Study of Vegetative Uptake from Saltstone, Part I: Design, Installation, and Data Collection Plan, 1986 February Thickness of Cenozoic Deposits and Location and Geometry of the Las Vegas Valley Shear Zone, Nevada, Based on Gravity, Seismic-Reflection, and Aeromagnetic Data, Open File Report, 1998 Thickness of Cenozoic Deposits and Groundwater Storage Capacity of the Westernmost Part of the Las Vegas Valley, Nevada, Inferred From Gravity Data, Open File Report, 1996 Geology of the Northern Part of the Toquima Range, Lander, Eureka, and Nye Counties, Nevada, 1976 Conodont Color Alteration Index (CAI) Map and Conodont-Bases Age Determinations for the Winchester 30' x 60' Quadrangle and Adjacent Ares, Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland, 1994 Water Quality in the Las Vegas Valley Area and the Carson and Truckee River Basins, Nevada and California, 1992-1996 Analytical Data for a Suite of Granitoid Rocks from the Basin and Range Provence, 1984 Field Trip to Nevada Test Site, Open File Report, 1976 The Alaska Earthquake: March 27, 1964, 1966 Sub-Crop Geologic Map of Pre-Tertiary Rocks in the Yucca Flat and Northern Frenchman Flats Areas, Nevada Test Site, Southern Nevada, 1997 Estimated Ground-Water Discharge by Evapotranspiration, Ash Meadows Area, Nye County, Nevada, 1994 Geologic Map of Paleozoic Rocks in the Calico Hills, Nevada Test Site, Southern Nevada, Open File Report, 1998 Water Supply and Demand Studies of Various Community Areas within Lincoln County, Nevada, Final Report, 1991 March 04 Consultancy on the Selection of Hydrologic Models, 1987 December