Archival objects in this container: Hydrology and Steady State Ground-Water Model of Spring Valley, Lincoln and White Pine Counties, Nevada, 1994 Mountain Front Runoff and Ground-Water Recharge in East Central Nevada, 1995 Surface-Water Resources and Basin Water Budget for Spring Valley, White Pine and Lincoln Counties, Nevada, 2003 Handbook for Professional and Management Employees, undated Handbook for Management and Professional Employees, Southern Nevada Water Authority, 1998 July 09 Geologic Tours in the Las Vegas Area, Expanded Edition, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, 2001 4th Annual University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) GeoSymposium, 2009 April 17-18 Exploratory Drilling for Water and Use of Ground Water for Irrigation in Steptoe Valley, Nevada, 1920 Shallow Ground Water in the Whitney Area, Southeastern Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada, 1991 Maps, various in the southwest, 1989-2000 Geologic Map, Tectonic Map and Structure Sections of the Muddy and Northern Black Mountains, Clark County, Nevada, 1983 Synthetic Natural Color Lansat Photomosaic of Nevada, map, 1981 Geologic Map of the Weiser Ridge Quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada, 1992 Bohannon -- Geologic Map of the Muddy Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Clark County, Nevada, undated Geologic Map of the Blue Diamond NE Quadrangle, Nevada, 2000 Geologic Map of the Boulder Beach Quadrangle, Nevada, 1984 Geologic Map of the Blue Diamond SE Quadrangle, Nevada, 2000 Geologic Map of the Boulder Beach Quadrangle, Nevada, 1984 Geologic Map of the Corn Creek Springs Quadrangle, Nevada, 1999 Geologic Map of the Lime Mountain Quadrangle Lincoln County, Nevada, 2001