Archival objects in this container: Pumping and Ground-Water Storage Depletion in Las Vegas Valley, Nevada 1955-1974, 1976 A Summary of the Hydrology of the Las Vegas Ground-Water Basin, Nevada, with Special Reference to the Available Supply, 1961 Ground Water in Southeastern Nevada, 1915 Water Levels and Artesian Pressure in Wells in Las Vegas Valley and in Other Valleys in Nevada, 1913-1945, 1947 Monitoring and Mitigation of Paleontological Resources, Final Draft Technical Report, Upper Las Vegas Wash Flood Control Facility Clark County, Nevada, 1993 December 20 City of North Las Vegas Land Transfer, Final Report on Archaeological and Paleoenvironmental Testing of Three Sites Along the Eglington Escarpment, 1991 July Quaternary time research, 1995 and undated Techniques of Water Resources Investigations, 1976-1978 Relation Between Surficial Geology and Near-Surface Ground-Water Quality, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1977 June Paleohydrology and Paleotopography of a Las Vegas Sping, 1995 December Abstracts with corrections, no names, undated Theses pertaining to the geology of Nevada, 1996 March