Archival objects in this container: Southern Nevada Water Authority Clark, Lincoln, and White Pine counties Groundwater Development Project, Implementation Plan, draft, 2006 August 10 Southern Nevada Water Authority Capital Improvements Plan, amendment, 1998 May 21 Hydrology of the Carlin Trend, Northeastern Nevada - A Preliminary Report, 1991 August Notification of Federal Reserved Water Rights by United States of America, White Spot Spring, Lower White Blotch Spring, and Upper White Blotch Spring, 1996 April 2 Post-Hearing Brief of Las Vegas Valley Water District and Southern Nevada Water Authority, 2004 April 08 State of Nevada Proof of Appropriation of Water for Irrigation in Corn Creek Springs, 1972 November 02 Relation Between Surficial Geology and Near-Surface Ground-Water Quality, Las Vegas Valley, Nevada, 1977 July Effect of Irrigation Pumping on Desert Pupfish Habitats in Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada, 1976 A Summary of the Ground-Water Hydrology of the Area Between the Las Vegas Valley and the Amargosa Desert, Nevada, 1963 Estimation of Leakage Between the Shallow and Principal Aquifers in the Las Vegas Valley Water District's Main Well Field, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1993 December Hydrostratigraphic Units within the Alluvium and Tertiary Volcanics of East Central Yucca Flat, Nevada Test Site, 1995 May Pleistocene Studies in Southern Nevada, Nevada State Museum Anthropological Papers, Number 13, 1967 October Thickness of Cenozoic Deposits and Location and Geometry of the Las Vegas Valley Shear Zone, Nevada, Based on Gravity, Seismic-Reflection, and Aeromagnetic Data, 1998 Estimated Ground-Water Budgets and Regional Ground-Water Flow in Eastern Nevada, undated Geology and Water Resources of Las Vegas, Pahrump, and Indian Spring Valleys, Clark and Nye Counties, Nevada, 1948