Archival objects in this container: Reports for California by the U. S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, open-file report, 1989 Geology of the Platte Canyon Quadrangle Colorado, 1964 Studies Related to Wilderness Primitive Areas, Uncompahgre, Colorado, 1968 Modern Groundwater Exploration, 2004 Selected Stratigraphic Data for Drill Holes Located in Frenchman Flat Nevada Test Site, Bechtel Nevada, Revision 1, 1997 February Determination of Land Subsidence Related to Ground-Water-Level Declines Using Global Positioning System and Leveling Surveys in Antelope Valley Los Angeles and Kern Counties, California, 1992 Review and Reconnaissance of the Hydrogeology of Tertiary Sedimentary Rocks in the Vicinity of Frenchman Flat, Nevada Test Site, Bechtel Nevada report, 1997 September Nature and Extent of Lava-Flow Aquifers Beneath Pahute Mesa, Nevada Test Site, Bechtel Nevada report, 1997 September Fault systems and maps, 1977-1987 Stratigraphy and Structure Death Valley, California, 1966 Research articles and notes, 1996-1997 Conference brochures, 1998, 2002 Evaluating Earthquake hazards in the Los Angeles Region - An Earth-Science Perspective, 1985