Archival objects in this container: A Color Illustrated Guide to Constituents, Textures, Cements, and Porosities of Sandstones and Associated Rocks, book by Peter A. Scholle, 1981 Mineral Optics: Principles and Techniques, book written by W. H. Freeman and Company, 1981 Study materials, articles, and discussion drafts, 1983-1991 Study of the Area 3 Sandpile, Southeastern Yucca Flat Nevada Test Site Parts I and II - Geology, 1989 June Tuff Pile 1 - a Justification of the Projection of Material Properties within a portion of Los Alamos Test Areas 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 - Nevada Test Site, 1983 November 23 Geology of White Pine and Northern Lincoln Counties and Adjacent Areas, Nevada and Utah: The Geologic Framework of Regional Ground-Water Flow Systems, 2005 July 01 Desert Research Institute University of Nevada System: Publications of the Water Resources Center, 1993 January Desert Research Institute: Investigation of Hydraulic Properties and Groundwater Levels related to the Shear Zone at the Project Shoal Site, 2001 September U. S. Geological Survey (USGS): Assessment of Regional Earthquake Hazards and Risk Along the Wasatch Front, Utah, 2001 September Department of the Interior: Pacific Southwest Water Plan, Supplemental Information Report, 1964 January USGS: Hydrogeologic Data from Selected Wells and Test Holes In and Adjacent to the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada, through 1986, 1991 USGS: Ground-Water Resources of Kyle and Lee Canyons, Spring Mountains, Clark County, Nevada, 1985 Nonmarine Sedimentary Rocks of Tertiary Age in the Lake Mead Region, Southeastern Nevada and Northwestern Arizona, 1984 On Batholiths and Volcanoes: Intrusions and eruption of Late Cenozoic magmas in the Glacier Peak Area, North Cascades, Washington, 1969 Analysis of Fractures in Volcanic Cores from Pahute Mesa, Nevada Test Site, 1997 September