Archival objects in this container: "Sunny Gets Blue," arranged by Dick Stabile, undated "Sunrise, Sunset," arranged by Dick Stabile, undated "Sunset," by Ed Kotlar, undated "Sunset Royale," arranged by Dick Stabile, undated "Sunshine," arranged by Dick Stabile, 1967 "Super Lover," lyrics by Ernie Harwell, music by Kotlar and Preston, undated "Surrender", undated "Swanee," arranged by Dick Stabile, undated "Take Back Your Mink," arranged by Dick Stabile, undated "Taking a Chance", undated "Taste O'Honey", 1956 "Tell Me Love (You're Mine)," by Pauline Walsh, undated "Temptation", undated "Tenderly," arranged by Dick Stabile, undated "Tennessee Waltz", undated "That Old Black Magic", undated "That's a Plenty," by Lew Pollack, undated "That's All," arranged by Dick Stabile, undated "That's Entertainment", undated "Theme", undated "Theme 69", undated "These Foolish Things," arranged by Dick Stabile, undated "They Can't Take That Away," arranged by Dick Stabile, undated "Thing Called Love", undated "This Can't Be", undated Load More