Archival objects in this container: San Pedro, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake Railroad Company (SPLASLRRC) operating book, 1905 UPRR drawings of wells - California, 1905-1947 LVLWC - receipts and deposits, 1953-1954 Pictures of UPRRC office building, 1937-1948 UPRR drawings and maps - various locations, 1910-1922 Proposal for waterfront warehouse at Long Beach, California, 1924 December 04 UPRR drawings and maps, undated UPRR drawings, maps, plans, 1905-1907 UPRRC "Rules and Duties" book, 1974 "Dagget to Las Vegas", book, 1945-1958 UPRR drawings, maps, plans, 1907 UPRR Photographs: grade separation, flood control bridges, views from tracks, 1931-1932 UPRR Los Angeles, California - vacation schedules and requests, 1956-1957 UPRR Instruction on Booklet for Preparation and Handling of Contracts, 1938-1944 UPRR perlite mineral resources from Clark County and Lincoln County, Nevada, 1948-1949 LASLRRC and UPRR map showing Santa Fe connection, 1944 September 14 UPRRC Las Vegas, Nevada trailer park sites, 1946 UP System LASLRRC land agreements and description of location, 1907-1923 Oil development officers - wage increases, 1937-1954 LASLRRC "Schedule of Pay Rules and Regulations for Train and Yardmen", book, 1925 March 01