Archival objects in this container: "Affidavit and Declaration of Campaign Contributions" form, 1978 "Official Returns of the General Election of 1976" and "Official Returns of the Primary Election of 1976" booklets, 1976 "Official Returns of the Primary and General Election" books, 1974 Endorsement letters, 1972 "Official Returns of the Primary Election" book, 1978 Bills paid, 1974 Contributors to the campaign, 1976 Fundraising materials, 1972 Correspondence, 1978 Correspondence, 1976 Financial disclosures, 1974 Letters of commendation, 1972 Declaration of candidacy, 1976 Endorsements, 1978 News releases, 1974 Newspaper clippings, 1972 Endorsement in the newsletter, "Citizens for Private Enterprise", 1976 Financial disclosures for general election, 1978 Volunteer lists, 1972 White copies of thank you letters sent from Assemblyman Robinson to supporters, 1974 Financial disclosures, 1976 Financial disclosures for primary election, 1978 Fliers of various opponents for candidacy, 1976 Fundraising materials, 1978 Letters of commendation, 1978 Load More