Archival objects in this container: Missouri River Dam and Diversion Project, 1933 "Spanish Creek Damsite, Gallatin Valley Investigation", 1935 Boulder Canyon Project, "The Colorado Conquered," original script, approximately 1930 to 1940 Boulder Canyon Project, report, approximately 1930 to 1940 Boulder Dam, album of photographs, approximately 1929 to 1933 Boulder Dam, notes, maps, booklet, 1929 Clark County Ridge Group, correspondence, 1956 May 09 "Lower Basin Damsite, Gallatin Valley Investigations", 1935 Geology of the Gold Butte area, Clark County, notes, 1956 February 22 "Geology of the Wallboard, Sheathing, and White Snowboard Gypsum Claims, St. Thomas District, Clark County," Nevada, report, notes, maps, 1954 Industrial gypsum, Clark County, correspondence, legal papers, and mine claims, approximately 1942 to 1955