Archival objects in this container: Black Diamond Magnesium, Mojave County, notes, newspaper clippings, photographic negatives, 1952 Boulder Creek Ilmenite prospect, Eureka mining district, Yavapai County, maps, notes, photographic prints, approximately 1951 to 1952 Correspondence on Lucore lease, Tombstone City, 1941 "Geology of Arizona," seminar paper, 1926 Lode claim, Tombstone City, 1941 "Mining the Great Basin", 1930 Mines in the Tombstone area, maps, 1941 Reconnaissance geologic report on the Bridge Canyon aqueduct routes, 1930 "Report on the Geology of the Black Diamond Magnesium Property, Mojave County", 1952 "Report on the Geology of Certain Dam sites on the Colorado River Indian Reservation", 1937 June 29 "Report on the Geology of the Gold Nugget, Gold Queen mining claims, Dripping Spring District, Gila County", 1942