Archival objects in this container: Howard Cannon with Jane Thomas and three unidentified men: photographic print and photographic negative, approximately 1980 August to 1980 September Howard Cannon with Mary Shaver and three others: photographic print and photographic negative, 1981 March Howard Cannon with Mr. Carl Ardery, Republic Aviation Corp's pilot of the New Republic F-105F, who is demonstrating the aircraft and procedures: photographic print and photographic negative, 1963 August Native American burial, Lost City, Overton, Nevada, courtesy Louis Schellbach, Nevada State Archaeologist: photograph negative, 1925 View from top of Fortification Hill, Arizona: photographic negative, 1935 October View of advance camp, Valley of Fire, Nevada: photographic negative, 1934 March View toward the south toward Pierce’s Ferry, Arizona: photographic negative, 1935 October Howard Cannon with Mr. Carl Ardery, Republic Aviation Corp's pilot of the New Republic F-105F, who is demonstrating the aircraft and procedures: photographic print and photographic negative, 1963 August Howard Cannon with three unidentified men: photographic print and photographic negative, 1981 March Native American burial, Lost City, Overton, Nevada, courtesy Louis Schellbach, Nevada State Archaeologist: photograph negative, 1925 Noon mess at advance camp, Valley of Fire, Nevada: photographic negative, 1934 February Senators Harry Reid and Paul Laxalt are pictured with a group of Nevada constituents, Harry Reid, and Frank Scott: photographic print, 1977 July View from top of Fortification Hill, Arizona: photographic negative, 1935 October View north down Pierce’s Ferry, Arizona wash from 1229 feet: photographic negative, 1935 October Completed advance camp, nineteen miles out of Valley of Fire, Nevada: photographic negative, 1934 February Howard Cannon with an unidentified group: photographic print and photographic negative, 1980 November Howard Cannon with four unidentified men: photographic print and photographic negaive, 1981 March Howard Cannon with Mr. Carl Ardery, Republic Aviation Corp's pilot of the New Republic F-105F, who is demonstrating the aircraft and procedures: photographic print and photographic negative, 1963 August Native American burial, Lost City, Overton, Nevada, courtesy Louis Schellbach, Nevada State Archaeologist: photograph negative, 1925 View east at Pierce’s Ferry, Arizona: photographic negative, 1935 October View north from top of Fortification Hill, Arizona: photographic negative, 1935 October Grand Wash mesa and cliffs, Colorado River: photographic negative, 1936 January Howard Cannon with four unidentified men in his Washington, D.C. office: photographic print and photographic negative, 1981 March Howard Cannon with Mr. Carl Ardery, Republic Aviation Corp's pilot of the New Republic F-105F, who is demonstrating the aircraft and procedures: photographic print and photographic negative, 1963 August Proof sheet of Howard Cannon and Dorothy Cannon in their home: photographic print and photographic negative, 1977 October Load More