Archival objects in this container: Background marketing materials: research material, Helen Morelli interview, fact sheets, press kit, and past fliers for various events, 2007-2016 Publications produced for the Morelli House public program: booklet funding, research, reprints, and articles, 2007-2016 Publications produced for the Morelli House public program: Morelli House booklet, trifold brochure, articles by Carole Terry, 2007-2016 Website and social media: Morelli House website, information for additional content, Nevada Humanities Online Encyclopedia interactive entry, 2007-2016 Listing of interpretive exhibits, 2007-2016 Mid-century women's clothing collection, 2007-2016 Equipment and props purchased and/or donated for public program, 2007-2016 Oral history project: Donna Andress, 2007-2016 Oral history project: Virginia Richardson, 2007-2016 Oral history project: Alice Waite, 2007-2016 Tours, 2007-2016 Tour talking points, 2007-2016 Venue bookings, 2007-2016 Photo shoots, 2008-2016 Provisional member orientations and luncheons, 2008-2016 Community outreach, 2007-2016