Archival objects in this container: Publication on "special considerations for Native American development"; state-by-state information on gaming users; bibliographies; resume; notes; and informational packets on economic development, Microsoft Excel, and environmental issues, undated Edwards, Michael, "The Irrelevance of Development Studies" report, 1989 January Cameron, Michael W., "A Prototypical Economic Development Corporation for American Indian Tribes" report, 1990 April Journal articles and legal briefs on state lotteries, tax issues, and casinos, 1990-1993 The Center for Applied Research, "The Economic Impact of Indian Reservation-Based Gaming Activities" report, 1993 April Journal articles and legal briefs on the impact of gaming, tourism, bank lending, economic development, and negative impact of gaming on businesses, 1994 Tax issues: testimonies, memos, press releases, congressional documents, correspondence, journal articles, and newspaper articles, 1994-1999 Publications, law reviews, and legal brief about economic development, impact of gaming on state budgets, national security, and market saturation, 1995 Sheane, Kim, et al., "Started: State-Tribal Approaches Regarding Taxation and Economic Development" report, 1995 November Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, "Indian Assistance Handbook"; and Andersen, Arthur, "Economic Impacts of Casino Gaming in the United States: Volume I, Macro Study" report, 1996 Journal articles on the effects of gaming on states, regional economic development, public policy, and gaming competition, 1996