Archival objects in this container: "10-23-96 Task Force Mts" audio recording, 1996 October 23 "The World Gaming '99 Congress and Expo, Indian Gaming and the Changing Political Relationship Among Tribal, Federal, and State Government" audio recordings numbered 28, 31, 33, and GS2, 1999 "11th International Conference on Gambling and Risk-Taking: Policies and Implications for Indian Gaming in America, MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 12-16, 2000" audio recording; and "11th International Conference on Gambling and Risk-Taking: Racing and Betting, New Products and New Technologies, MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 12-16, 2000" audio recording, 2000 June 12-16 "'Indian Governments and Indian Gaming,' demo" video recording, undated "PPT Indian Gaming" video recording, undated "Super Chiefs" video recording, undated "Weldon Barr" video recording, undated Untitled video recording, undated "Native American Public Broadcasting Consortium, Harold of Orange, 1984 (33 mins)" video recording, 1984 "'Clouded Land' (57:40) 1987 Randy Croce" video recording, 1987 "The Native Americans" (documentary aired on TBS) video recording, 1994 "Native American Indians: A Vivid and Enlightening Look at the People Whose Proud Heritage and Rich Culture are a National Treasure" by Peter Pan Industries, Inc. video recordings, 1994 "Con. reform Naytahwaush, 3-12-97" video recording (label possibly refers to constitutional reform in Naytahwaush, Minnesota, a Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, White Earth Band community), 1997 March 03 "Jason Lewis, NIGA, 5-7-00" audio recording, 2000 May 07 "'500 Nations' Indian History (4 hours)" video recording; and "'500 Nations,' Part 3 and 4" video recording, 1995 "NIGA Interview, Thomas Interview" video recording, 2012 April 02 "Is Racism Stronger than Ever, 1/7/97" video recording, 1997 January 07 "Mino Bimadiziwin, 1 hour, taped Nov 4 1997, PPTV" video recording, 1997 November 04 "AgriTalk, 'The Gaming Industry and How it Affects Rural America,' representative from the American Gaming Association and the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) with Host Mark Oppold; Doane Broadcasting, Kansas City, Missouri" audio recording, 2000 October 03 "World News Tonight, ABA, 6/19/98, Profile of Native American Golfer, Notah Begay" video recording, 1998 June 19 "Michael Reagan Show, 12/11/02, Interview: Deron Marquez, Indian Gaming" audio recording, 2002 December 11 "Prin Pictures, 'Indian Sovereignty: We Are Not Alone'" video recording, 1999 September 17 "'Native American Contemporary Artists,' Burnt Down Productions, promo #1" video recording, 2000 "Gay 'Seinfeld'/ Lesbian 'Friends'- NIGA Summit 2000" video recording, 2000 "Rick Heape Films, 'Black Indians: An American Story,' narrated by James Earl Jones video recording, 2000 Load More