Archival objects in this container: Distinguished Students in Southern Nevada, 1995-1996 Cadette/Senior Girl Teleconference, 1995 Lead the Way leadership conference, 1996 Leadership Conference, 1995 GSUSA Leadership Institutes, 1994-1995 Cadette/Senior Girl Scouts Program/Training Booklet and Survey, 1995 Program Operating Unit, 1990-1993 Individual Girl Members, 1993 Our Vanishing Desert patch program, 1994 Take Our Daughters to Work Day, 1994-1996 Service Unit Events, 1995-1996 Council Event Summaries, 1994-1995 School-Community Partnership Program, 1994-1995 Scouting for the Disabled, 1994 Sparck International, 1995 United Blood Services, 1994 Youth Forum, 1994 Youth Scope, 1993 November GSUSA, State Directory of Girl Scout Council Collaborations with Girls Incorporated or the YWCA of the USA or both, undated National Center for Kids in Crisis, Kids Peace Contemporary Issues, 1995 Workshops, 1994 YMCA Yes to Youth Conference, 1994 CPR Plus, 1994 Grand Slam Canyon Lock-In, 1994-1995 Earth Fair, 1994 Load More