Walter Weiss

Walter Weiss (1935- ) is a former boxer and casino professional in Las Vegas, Nevada. Born in Providence, Rhode Island, Weiss started his boxing career at 16 years old and moved to New York City in 1953 to train professionally. His aptitude for boxing led him to be a sparring partner in New York City’s famous Stillman’s Gym, where he worked with some of the greatest fighters of the era including Rocky Marciano and Jack Dempsey. In 1958, Weiss moved to Las Vegas to find work with a local bookmaker, Elliott Price. This began Weiss’ diverse employment history in the casino industry. He worked various positions such as a floor man, bar boy, and blackjack dealer at casinos like the Thunderbird, Sands, Desert Inn, Golden Gate, and Riviera. In 1967, Weiss left the city to work as a broker on Wall Street for six years, but then returned to Las Vegas. Weiss grew up with a strong Jewish education and heritage, and in Las Vegas he became an active member of Sephardic synagogue Or-Bamidbar.
Weiss, Walter. Interview, 2010 November 2, OH-01939. Transcript. Oral History Research Center, Special Collections, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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