Bernard and Barbara Kaufman

Bernard Kaufman (1939 - ) is better known as Bernie. He is married to Barbara, née Raben, Kaufman (1941 - ). His parents were Charles and Rose Kaufman; Barbara’s were Hyman and Harriet Raben. They were married in 1961 in their hometown of St. Louis, Missouri.
In 1968, they moved to Las Vegas, joining Bernie’s brother, Herb, in the growing city who had opened the first Wonder World store. Bernie assisted in managing the family businesses four Wonder World stores, until they were sold in 1982. At that time, he went into the car rental business, which he sold in 2000 and then went into airport advertising. Barbara focused herself on raising their children, Carrie and Andrew, and once the children were in their teens, she went to work for her brother as a bookkeeper.
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