Sneak Peek at the Dorothy Eisenberg Papers
UNLV Libraries Special Collections is home to the Dorothy Eisenberg Papers, a collection of historical materials donated by activist and "professional volunteer" Dorothy Eisenberg. Here is a sneak peek of some highlights of the collection that were digitized as part of the Southern Nevada Jewish Heritage Project. Stay tuned for the official web portal, which will provide access to even more unique and valuable digitized primary sources, as well as contextual information such as biographies, timelines, maps, and more.

Women's Democratic Club, 1990. Back left: Sara Besser, Judy Klein, Sharon Segerblom ?, Renee Diamond, Helen Meyers, Lindsey Jydstrip, Shelley Berkley, Jan Jenkins. Front Left: Beverly Carlino-Banta, Bonnie Bryan, Dorothy Eisenberg, Marie Ripps.

Dorothy Eisenberg with Art Marshall, undated.

Grant Sawyer, Bob Rose, James David Santini, Minister Tamur, December 1978

Event photograph, undated.

Meeting minutes from the annual board meeting of the Las Vegas Combined Jewish Appeal, December 7, 1978

Program for the dedication and reception for Dorothy Eisenberg Elementary School, May 6, 1991
This collection is currently open for research. Visit our website for more information.