Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Photos
The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Records housed at UNLV University Libraries Special Collections include hundreds of photographs of the local Jewish community. Here is an advance look at some of the photos we are digitizing for inclusion in the Southern Nevada Jewish Heritage Project web portal:

Women's Division mini-mission to San Francisco, January 1983

Israeli Ambassador Press Conference, 1999

Rabbis from across the valley leading the community in prayer, Yom Ha'Shoah at Midbar Kodesh Temple, 2000

Tu B'Shevat Celebration, January 23, 2000

Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada, group of children singing, undated

Youth Division Graduation, undated

Anti-Defamation League meeting, undated

United Jewish Community Annual Meeting at Canyon Gate Country Club, June 2, 2004

Las Vegas Senior Lifeline Senior Prom at Caesars Palace, April 22, 2006