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August Update

Everyone has the construction of the approaching web portal in their sights. So with the sleepy lull of summertime behind us, it is time to peek at what has happened behind the scenes over the past couple of months. 

Tasks have included: preparing transcripts and audio clips of oral histories; scanning photos, documents and other items of interest; and creating data, that's the step that makes all this stuff searchable. [They are magicians to me.] And there are the other magicians who construct the actual web portal--and trust me, it is looking beautiful.

As the primary oral historian on the project, I was delighted to tally that I have interviewed nearly fifty people to add to the collection for the Oral History Resource Center. The coming year I intend to duplicate that and appreciate the suggestions of names and contact information for these Jewish voices of Las Vegas history. 

We excitedly await some pending new donations of organizational and personal documents, letters, photos that reflect Las Vegas history and events. The more images we can acquire the more robust the web site will be—and what peace of mind donors will have. The Library’s Special Collections is the proud caretaker of these precious additions.


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Because we are no longer actively fundraising for the Southern Nevada Jewish Heritage Project, we are directing all related donations to our Oral History Research Center for the pursuit of other meaningful oral history projects.


Jewish Nevada Vegas PBS
With help from
Institute of Museum and Library Services This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services