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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    TKj Ytfc' B* w . Cr« * o . 15* Mo reduced rates can bo and® which would fee applicable to hotel help only. Any special rates in the form of excursion rates ate. mmt he applicable to all persons alike. A 4. * 18. Tas, where it can be shown that the doverrment receives direct hen®fit from the reduction in rates; not otherwise. 19. -Mo. fg i It has been hold that rates for circuses and travelling shows which travel in their own trains or cars do not © o j e o under the provisions of the law requiring rates to be file d and published, and therefore oommn carrier® are at liberty to lake such special rats# in this instance as they my see fit . E l . H o . p m & oas. 1. Section 5 of the Interstate Cosiaoree Act provides: 'Section 5. That it shall fee mil awful for any coagaon carrier subject to the provisions of this Act to enter into any contract, agreement or combination with any other Gommn carrier or carriers for the pooling; o f freights of different and competing railroads or to divide between them the a^regata or net proceeds of the earnings of such railroads or any portion thereof; and in my case of m agreement for the pooling o f freights as aforesaid, each day of its continuance shell be deemed a separate o f fence.* It is my opinion that under the forgoin g provision ary