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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-116


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    The Board then entered upon a discussion as to revising the Ordinances governing licensing of businesses in the City of Las Vegas. No further business appearing before the Board at this time the meeting recessed until Friday the 15th day of August at the hour of three o'clock P.M. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. AUGUST 15th, 1930. At a recessed regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, held on the 15th day of August 1930 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. Present Mayor Hesse, Commissioners Hansell, and Smith together with the Deputy City Attorney, and City Clerk. Absent Commissioners Thomas, and German, City Attorney Stevens. This being the time set for hearing any protests against the widening of Fremont Street between Main & Second Streets and a number of citizen being present to protests such improvement the meeting was given over to hearing said protests. A written protest was presented to the Board from Adolph Levy, and Mr. A.W. Ham appeared before the Board protesting against such improvement on behalf of Ralph Thomas, First State Bank, Clark & Ronnow, Adam Kramer, and Mr. & Mrs. O.C. Stocker. Mr. Clark also protested against the widening of the said two blocks. T.M. Carroll. L. W. Cragin and Mr. Simons also protested against the widening of said street in the business district. John Miller and R. B. Griffith spoke in favor of the widening of the two blocks. After lengthy discussions on both sides the following Resolution was introduced by Commissioner Hansell: Resolve that the matter of widening Fremont Street between Main and Second Sts. be referred to the City Planing Commission, and that said Commission report back to the Board of City Commissioners at an early date., inregards to their investigation. Vote on said Resolution was as follows: Commissioners Hansell, and Smith and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye. Noes none. Upon motion of Commissioner Smith seconded by Commissioner Hansell the following Resolution was introduced: Resolved that the office of Deputy City Clerk be created, and that Mary Taylor be appointed Deputy City Clerk to receive a compensation of $5.00 per day, and to hold office during the absence of the City Clerk while said City Clerk is given a 14 day leaf of absence. Vote on said Resolution was as follows: Commissioner Hansell, and Smith, and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye. Noes none. There being no further business appearing before the Board at this time the meeting recessed until Tuesday the 18th day of August 1930 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK? CITY OF LAS VEGAS? CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA AUGUST 19, 1930 At a recessed regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, held on the 19th day of August 1930 at the hour of 3 o'clock P. M. Present: Mayor Hesse, Commissioners Smith, Thomas, and Hansell together with Deputy City Attorney Noland and Deputy City Clerk. Absent: Commissioner German and City Attorney Stevens. Upon motion of Commissioner Hansell seconded by Commissioner Thomas it was moved that a gaming license be granted the Chas. E. Taylor Co. 127 South First St. Same having been approved by R. W. Thomas, Police and Fire Commissioner. Vote as fallows: Commissioners Smith Hansell, Thomas and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye, Noes none. Deputy City Attorney Noland was asked to form an amendment to Ordinance 137, Section regulating the salary of the City Electrical Inspector. Said amendment to be read to the Board at the next meeting. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time the meeting