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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 1996



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    March 1996 Vol. VX No. 6 The Reform Jewish Synagogue of Las Vegas Adar 10 - Nissan 11 / 5756 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director President Gerald Gordon Administrator Monty E. Willey Editor Rebecca Herren Be Happy? It's Adar! And that means it's time once again to celebrate Purim! Purim celebrates the story, set in the Persian capital of Shushan, of Esther's rescue of the Jews from slaughter by the evil Hainan, grand vizier of the Persian court of King Ahasuerus. The Talmud explains that the grant of power by king Ahasuerus to the notorious anti-semite, Haman, did more to bring Jews back to Judaism than the work of 55 brophets. On this day, piety takes the form of practical jokes, outrageous behavior, and masquerade. Jews are obligated to listen to the reading of the megilla (scroll) of Esther. "At Purim, we make fun of everything, especially what we consider to be most sacred and reverent; because re?ligion without humor is blasphemy," ?Rabbi Lawrence Kushner. Congregation Ner Tamid invites you, your family and your friends to join Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, and Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman for our traditional Family Purim Shabbat at 7:30 p.m. Friday evening, March 1. There will be prizes for all who come in costume! On Sunday, March 3 beginning at 11:00 a.m. join our Temple family for the annual Purim Carnival. There will be lots of food, games, prizes, a raffle, a book fair, ski ball, basketball throw, moonwalk, wheel of fortune, and a duck pond, and much, much more! Shake off those dusty costumes and masks, and join us on Sunday at the CARNIVAL!!! $ Jewish Music Season Concert ? March 16 llene Safyan & Margie Rosenthal Join Congregation Ner Tamid at our third annual Jewish Music Season Concert featuring Parent's Choice Award Winners Margie and llene. Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman and the CNT Jr. Choir will join the duo in song for an evening filled with enjoy?ment at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 16. llene and Margie are versatile performers and offer a variety of means to experience Jewish culture and tradition through music. Their repertoire reflects their versatility, ranging from children's music to opera, folk songs, contemporary melodies and old favorites. The duo performs as comfortably in Hebrew, Yiddish or Ladino as they do in English. Whatever the occasion, llene and Margie enthrall audiences with their beautiful voices, energy, and spark! see Concert, page 2 Congregation Ner Tamid's Spring Gala/Auction, formerly the Goods and Services Auction, will be held in the Social Hall on Saturday, May 4 beginning at 7:00 p.m. This year's event promises to fulfill every expectation of what a Gala should be. There will be food, entertainment, a superb silent auction, a Professional Live Auction, and a Lottery Drawing with a chance to win a $2000 grand prize and a $500 attendance drawing. An $18 entrance fee includes Gourmet Finger Foods, Exquisite Desserts, Entertainment, Soft Drinks, a No-Host Bar, and a door prize drawing. Wow, sounds like fun, doesn't it? see Spring Gala, page 3 /t Special PCace SeCattyCongregation NerTamid March 1996-5756 "Tif&KiAifc Sew/icea Officiated by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman March 1 Purim Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm with Jr. Choir Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood March 8 NTTY Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by NTTY March 9 Shabbat Service - 10:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Alison Sparer Kiddush sponsored by The Sparer Family March 15 JWV Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Jr. Congregation Service in Beit Teffilah Oneg sponsored by The Jewish War Veterans March 16 Shabbat Service - 10:00 am Bar Mitzvah of Daniel Goldstein Kiddush sponsored by The Goldstein Family March 22 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Bat Mitzvah of Kristen Adler Oneg sponsored by The Adler Family March 23 Shabbat Service - 10:00 am Baby naming of Darla Carolyn Chenin Kiddush sponsored by The Chenin Family March 29 Shabbat Service - 7:30 pm Bar Mitzvah of Shaun Naiman Oneg sponsored by The Naiman Family March 30 Shabbat Service - 10:00 am Bat Mitzvah of Diana Emptage Kiddush sponsored by The Emptage Family CANDLE LIGHTING March 1 - 5:17 pm March 8 - 5:23 pm March 15 - 5:30 pm March 22 - 5:36 pm March 29 - 5:42 pm Wilner Foundation 1996 Award Applications Available The Wilner Foundation is pleased to announce the 1996 award applica?tions are now available. This will mark the foundation's 8th Consecu?tive year of awards to outstanding Jewish youth of the State of Nevada. Since its inception in 1989, the founda?tion has made awards to ninety-six deserving young persons who met all the necessary qualifications. In addition to the regular cash awards, qualifying youngsters who participate in a youth pilgrimage to the land of Israel, are granted addi?tional awards. All awards are sent di?rectly to the sponsoring organization, not to the winners. Interested persons are invited to get application forms at any syna?gogue office. Further information, re?garding requirements or to receive an application form, may be obtained by calling 702-732-8585. O Concert continued from page 1 Since first meeting in 1979, Ilene Safyan and Margie Rosenthal have been performing Jewish music for children and adults throughout the United States. Their music has earned the praise of critics nationwide and has been recommended to both chil?dren and parents. Their music enter?tains while providing insights to Jewish culture and traditions; it is, in fact, a valuable learning tool for chil?dren of all ages. The duo began their recording ca?reer in 1987. Later that year, Ilene and Margie recorded the award-winning "Just In Time For Chanukah," which recently won a 1995 Parents' Choice Gold Medal for excellence in chil?dren's recordings. Concert admission for advanced tickets are $18 for adults, $4.50 for children, and $36 for families. Admission at the door is $20 for adults, $5 for children, and $40 for families. Jr. Choir members are free. Tickets are on sale at the Temple or for your convenience, fill out the order form on page 14 and mail it with your check in the correct amount to the Temple, Attn.: Concert. For fur?ther information call, 733-6292. $ 100th Anniversary of the Jewish War Veterans On March 16, at the Sheraton Desert Inn Terrace Room, the Council will host a celebration to pay tribute to the late SUN publisher Flank Greenspun, a major in the U.S. Army who was a longtime member of the Jewish War Veterans. Cocktail hour will begin at 6:00 p.m. and dinner will follow at 7:00 p.m. For reservations, call Sidney Kosloy, 696-0920 or Irving Finver, 369-0596. d Temple Wish List The Temple is in need of the following items: ? IBM COMPATIBLE COMPUTER (386 or above, 486 preferred) ? PHOTOCOPIER ? FAX MACHINE If you have any of these items or^ know someone who has, call Monty Willey at the Temple office, 733- 6292. $March 1996-5756 Congregation Ner Tamid Temple Board Members Jerry Gordon President Bob Unger VP Administration Allan Nathanson VP Ways & Means Alan Mann Treasurer Debra Kaner Corporate Secretary David Stahl VP Ritual Philip Goldstein VP Education Jacky Rosen VP Membership Stephen Joseph VP Social Nadine Cracraft Trustee Lois Doctors Trustee Rita Goldstein Trustee David Gross Trustee Drew Levy Trustee Janis Rounds Trustee Esther Saltzman Trustee Ron Worth Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Maxine Gratz Sisterhood Scott Dockswell Brotherhood Helen Zliser Golden Chai Joey Unger NTTY Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Michael Cherry Past President Leo Wilner Advisor Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Officio SANCTUARY FUND GOAL ? 2.2 million Back By Popular Demand! Disney Purim Family Service Friday, March T, 1 996 7:30 P.M. Come celebrate Purim with your Congregation Ner Tamid Family Prizes for all who come in costume Spring Gala HELP US MEET OUR GOAL! continued from page 1 The Gala Committee is actively recruiting for volunteers over the next few months. Your participation is welcomed. There are many volunteer opportuni?ties available, most requiring less than five hours total between now and May 4. Please call and volunteer. The Gala/Auction Hotline number is 896-8197. If you have an auction item to donate, call the Hotline number and we will make arrangements to pick it up. This event will be lots of fun, and the proceeds will help the Temple by con?tributing directly to the general operating fund. It is only through events such as this, and only through the cooperation and participation of all Temple mem?bers that we're able to maintain such a beautiful congregational home. There are many ways in which you can participate. Please attend this en?joyable event, buy a lottery ticket with the chance to win $2000, donate some time to help the committee, donate something valuable to the auction, or con?tact a business person, ask for a donation, and our committee will pick the item up. Don't just sit there, please do something, call the Spring Gala Committee at 896-8197 with your comments or suggestions. -<? Thank you for your support, Scott Dockswell, 1996 Spring Gala/Auction ChairmanCongregation NerTamid March 1996-5756 ? Mdies^romMrD Cantonal Music Season has arrived and we sure know how to celebrate it here at CNT! Last month's Jazz Shabbat was an in?credible success. Even though the melodies were new to everyone, the entire congregation truly enjoyed a unique evening of prayer and Sabbath joy. Thanks to the Brotherhood and Sisterhood for help?ing sponsor the evening, Christy and Alan Molasky and Kathleen and William Mahon for their donations towards the Oneg and most of all... our wonderful Choir! They have cer?tainly risen to every musical chal?lenge handed to them and I am so proud of their hard work and dedica?tion. During March we will continue our Music Season Celebration with our third annual concert, underwrit?ten by Dr. Steve Kollins, which will feature Margie Rosenthal and Ilene Safyan They have won Parent's Choice Awards for two of their recordings and I am very excited for the opportu?nity to bring them to our congrega?tion. I first heard Margie and Ilene at a Cantor's convention in their home?town of Portland, Oregon five years ago. I was charmed by their warm personalities and beautiful singing. Our Junior Choir will be joining Margie and Ilene in concert. This is a concert for the entire family and their friends too! Please send in the coupon for advance purchase of your tickets as prices will increase at the door. $ B'shalom, Bella WityowA Stuctwfo Alison Sparer Bat Mitzvah March 9 Shalom! My name is Alison Sparer. I'm excited about my upcom?ing Bat Mitzvah. Judaism is very im?portant to me and I am glad to be a part of it! I attend Las Vegas Day School and am part of many extra?curricular activities. I hope you join me on the day I become a Bat Mitzvah. 0 Daniel Goldstein Bar Mitzvah March 16 My name is Daniel Goldstein. I am in the 8th grade at Thurman White Middle School. I enjoy rollerblading, going to the movies, listening to mu?sic and drawing. My hobbies are col?lecting comics and cards. I am happy that many out of town relatives will be able to share the occasion of my Bar Mitzvah on March 16,1996. 0 Kristen Adler Bat Mitzvah March 22 Hi! My name is Kristin Adler. My hobbies are basketball, talking on the phone, going to the mall and bugging my sister Kimi. On March 22 I will be a Bat Mitzvah. This means a lot be?cause I will be considered an adult in the Jewish religion, and it is the next step in my Jewish education. I hope my family and friends will attend this joyous occasion! ti Not Pictured is Bar Mitzvah of Shaun Naiman Friday, March 29 ? 7:30 PM My name is Diana Emptage. I am in the 8th grade at Thurman White Middle School. I enjoy reading, draw?ing and playing basketball, football and soccer. I am glad I have worked so hard to achieve the honor of hav?ing a Bat Mitzvah. I am also very happy to have my friends and family come celebrate with me on this very special occasion. *>March 1996-5756 Congregation Ner Tamid $ School News # ? ? A celebration of trees to a celebration of freedom It seems that in order to write each month's article I have to look back to make sure I have not missed telling you something. I write my article as if I am sharing my feelings with good friends or relatives, because we are all part of the Ner Tamid Family. Looking back, February was an interesting month, full of activities and meetings. I finally got over the flu which I seemed to have had for?ever. A group of teenagers, my daugh?ter Sandee, and I went to L.A. We went to Universal Studios and the Museum of Tolerance. We were at the Museum of Tolerance at the same time as Mrs. Rabin, but we never saw her. For security reasons we were ushered through hallways and clos?ets to get from one place to another, but it was still exciting. The trip was an experience to remember from Morning Services in Barstow to Havdallah in my hotel room, to the trip home as we sang most of the way. This list of events is only part of the picture. The teens bonded, sharing their private feelings during a study session and coming up with a list of how to make relationships, organiza?tions, and friendships more successful (the list follows the article). Most of all they experienced a weekend that strengthened their Jewish identity. In February we had two wonder?ful Tu B'Shevat Seders and exposed our students to Jewish Camps by of?fering programs from several differ?ent camp directors. I participated in the Holocaust Education program at the Sand's Expo Center and Doug Cotier, who also attended, did an ex?cellent program for our 6th thru 12th graders at our Temple. We are looking forward with ex?citement to March?the month of preparation for spring?Purim fam?ily service March 1, and our wonder?ful carnival March 3. The parents of our Purim committee and our teach?ers and students, Sisterhood and brotherhood have teamed up to make this years carnival a great success. We will have a special Passover Program to be held on March 24, to set the tone for a meaningful Passover season. I hope you will be able to share some of these events with your child. 0 Shalom, Jackie Fleekop Ways To Stengthen Friendship, Organization, and Relationships 1. Show that you care about what happens to your friends and associates?just being there helps 2. Be supportive 3. Realize others as well as your own flaws are part of being human 4. Be a good listener 5. Be trustworthy 6. If you don't have fun together or get involved in things together you will never get close or work well together 7. Be enthusiastic?have a positive attitude to new methods and ideas 8. Learn to compromise (be tolerant; don't get frustrated if someone else's opinion rather than yours is chosen 9. Don't talk about others, it breaks the integrity of a relationship 10. Be a leader by example, even if you are not yet in a leadership position 11. Voice your opinions honestly (work to improve your communication skills) 12. Be committed, don't just see events, or support by check 13. Be active, it makes everything more interesting 14. Try not to favor one person's ideas more than another 15. Democratic organizations have the most success March Calendar Spring Break March 31st-April 7th School Resumes Thursday, April 11 (4-7) Sunday, April 14th (K-7) Friday, March 1st Sunday, March 3rd Thursday, March 7th Sunday, March 10th Purim Family Service Classes are 9:15 to 11:00 The Carnival is from 11:00-2:00 Regular Classes (4-7) Regular Classes (K-7 Thursday, March 14th Sunday, March 17th Thursday, March 21st Sunday, March 24th Thursday, March 28th Regular Classes (4-7) Regular Classes (K-7) Regular Classes (4-7) Special Passover Program Regular Classes (4-7)Congregation NerTamid March 1996-5756 ?TH^vicA. 1 Maurice Friedman Rose Rubinson Bruce Mark Barrie Jim Schnoll Steven Woodland Jeannette Sarah Bradfield Gladys Michaels Belle Goldberg John Herman Bob Leonard Edward Siegler Issik Bernstein David Ewan Michelle Schlesinger Jacob Kahn Robert Frost Abraham Rosenblum Leonard Rachild Norman Mark Julian Rivkind Margaret Newman Irving Wender Frances Mocugni Irving Fenster Sadie Glickman Martin Goldstein James Ohriner Bessie Rachild Dr. Jay Goldfarb Marian Alexander Rudolph Elman Bernard Komito Linda Sue Goldstein Anna Bertha Michelson Rita Levy Gayer Hyman Kaplan r 9k '7%?*tUVliuai Mildred Cohen beloved aunt of Bernice Diwald Earl Burkons beloved member of Ner Tamid Lillian Shapiro beloved wife of Norton Shapiro Ted Sakol beloved uncle of Gloria Rosenberger Phillip Herman beloved stepfather of Marc Schorr V Benjamin Seideman beloved grandfather of Debbie Karasik Norman Haydis Helen Podolin Samuel Best Esther Krentzman Florence Malkin Anna Ginsberg Carol Cohen Larry Joseph 15 Christina Linden Gerstein James Katzman Jennie Stellman Ruth Jacobs Covitz Helen Schneider Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Judy Klein in the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospi?talized. 0 Bessie Bernstein Rachel Kirschner Penny Lerner Emanuel Scolar Elias Goldstein Benjamin Mintz John Elman Annabel Rivkind Jean Becker Rebecca Klinger Sadye Golding Louis Schnitzer Irving Cane Milton Tobman Rose Rakov Gertrude Phillips Gayle Nathanson "TH^vicA- 22 Benjamin Litwin Nettie Schwartz Bessie Zuck Shirley Malamud Clair Naft Abraham Ginsberg Judith Ann Karchem Earl Kaplan Morris Nagel Monroe Berliner Rose Gross Lena Benisch Esther Miller Julius Weitzman 29 Harold Carter George Newmark Hannah Conde Louis Gittleson Morris Goodman Joseph Gordon Jennie Gerstler Samuel Liebert Fred Eskanasy Ada Solomon Joseph Shapiro Mae Liebert Molly Krauss Ada Chaiken Murray Metzenbaum Dora Sanoff Fannie GlasserMarch 1996-5756 Congregation NerTamid SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP SCRIP MAJOR FUND-RAISER The Easiest Way To Support Your Temple At NO EXTRA Cost To You - Is To BUY SCRIP! Save up to MAXIMUM $100 on Temple Dues For each $100 purchase of SCRIP, you will receive a $2.50 credit toward your Temple dues (limit of $4000 in SCRIP). You can purchase SCRIP at the Temple office or if you wish to receive SCRIP through the mail, enclose your check along with this conve?nient order form and mail to: SCRIP, c/o Congregation Ner Tamid, 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89121 or call 733-6292. For further information, call Allan Nathanson, 796-8391. Name_____________________________________________ Address City State Zip Code Phone (day) (evening) Date Ordered Date Needed Amount Sent Signature STORE DENOMINATION Albertsons ? 5s ? 10s ? 20s Smiths ? 5s ? 10s ? 20s Vons ? 5s ? 10s ? 20s Sub-total Total Amount Any questions, contact Allan Nathanson at 796-8391 SCRIP SCRIP SCy,i-> SCRIP SC R IPCongregation NerTamid March 1996-5756 2nd Sunday The Adult Educa?tion Committee is once again offering a 2nd Sunday Program at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, March 10. For further infor?mation on the 2nd Sunday programs, call Katherine Scott, Adult Ed. chair, at 564-0903. $ Camping Havurah a Camp?ing Havurah is now being formed. Tents, pop-ups, trailers, fifth wheels, motor homes?everyone is welcome! The next trip is being planned for the first weekend in May. If you're inter?ested in joining the Camping Havurah, please call Judy at the Temple office, 733-6292 or Steve Fried, 456-5906. ft Mah Jongg Cards Mah Jongg players can be sure Congregation Ner Tamid's Sisterhood is always a win?ner by buying their cards through Florence Weinstein of the Sisterhood. When a number of cards are pur?chased at one time, the Mah Jongg League offers a bonus to the organi?zation that is buying. The entire bonus offered goes to Sisterhood. Cards are $4.50 each. Checks are to be made to Florence Weinstein at 4255 Channel Ten Drive, #93, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119. ft Junior Congregation Jr. Congregation services will take place on Friday, March 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fleekop Beit Tefillah. This month TNT will lead services with Melissa Glovinsky and musical soloist, Maxine Molinsky. A special youth Oneg Shabbat will follow services in the new Multi-purpose Room, with food, music and fun. The Jr. Congregation service is held once a month concurrently with main ser?vices in the Sanctuary, and is geared toward students in grade 4 and up. ft How to Raise a Jewish CHILD Jackie Fleekop, Education Director, will teach a four-part series on "How To Raise A Jewish Child" at 7:00 p.m. each Thursday night in March. The course is based on the popular book by author and lecturer, Joel Lurie Grishaver, 40 Ways To Save The Jezvish People. The course will fo?cus on how to raise children with Jewish values in the hope of protect?ing the future of the Jewish people. Classes will be held in the Temple Library, and include thought, exercise and practice. The cost is $18 for Temple members and $25 for non?members. Your check will reserve a space. For information, call the Temple office, 733-6292. ft Jewish Mysticism On Tues?day, March 19 at 8:00 p.m., Rabbi Sanford Akselrad will hold a discus?sion on the "Kabbalah?Insights Into Jewish Mysticism." There is no charge for the class, but reservations are required. To RSVP, call the Temple office, 733-6292. ft PESACH SEDER Congregation Ner Tamid's Annual Passover Seder will be held this year on Wednesday, April 3 at "The Top of The Riviera Hotel." See back cover for details, ft E-mail List Update Our e-mail list is growing, and growing, and growing. If you have an e-mail address and would like your name on this list, contact Gil Shaw at: UFDY12A@PRODIGY.COM Akselrad, Rabbi Sanford Beller, Sylvia/Neil Cracraft, Joe Cutter, Sara Dockswell, Scott Epstein, Ronni Etcoff, Lou/Marilyn Ewan, Sandy/Roger Fleekop Family Flushman, George Goldstein, Libby Herman, Jay/Terry Herren, Rebecca Joseph, Steve RABAK@AOL.COM cracraft@ccsn.nevada AEDH58A@PRODIGY.COM UQVN66A@PRODIGY.COM Katz, Jeff Mehr, Susan/Michael Mendelson, David Mendelson, Jennifer Mishalow, Joel Rosen, Jack/Larry Schnitzer, Larry Shaw, Gil Shaw, Natalie Steinberg, Leonard Sternberg, Adam Tiep, William Unger, Robert Wikler, David /Jackie Wikler, Judi/Abby Zimmerman, Joan/Gary 75523.2762@COMPUSERVE.COM NKTQ59A@PRODIGY COM jmendels@gas. UFDY12a@PRODIGY.COM UFDY12b@PRODIGY.COM RXMA12A@PRODIGY.COM J&GZimmerman@mcimail.comMarch 1996-5756 Congregation NerTamid I\T F ilFQF I TNT (Teens of Ner Tamid) is rapidly growing. We're providing some excit?ing events and lots of fun. Our last event was a success. We took twenty 6th and 7th graders bowling at Sunset Lanes. Everyone had a fun filled afternoon of bowling and friendship. Some future activities to look for?ward to include ice skating, a sleep over and more. Don't miss the Jr. Congregation service on March 15. TNT will lead the service. If you are in 6th through 8th grade and are interested in joining, please call Sandee Fleekop, 454-5196. Thank you and we hope to see you at TNT. 0 Sandee Bulletin Deadline All Bulletin articles and advertisments "MUST" be submitted no later than the 6th day of each month (i.e. April's Bulletin Deadline Date is March 6). Any articles submitted after the deadline date will not be put into the Bulletin, unless notification is made with me prior to the deadline date. (NO EXCEPTIONS)! April Bar/Bat Mitzvah ? I need a 50 words or less article and a wallet sized photo submitted by March 6 for the April Bulletin. (Parents, please do not cut pictures!. Any questions, feel free to call me at 566-6435. Your cooperation is deeply appreciated. Thank you?The Bulletin Editor You are cordially invited to help us shower Bella, our Cantorial Solist with joy for the upcoming birth of her new baby at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, March 17 in the social hall. R.S.V.P. to Jacky Rosen, 434-9025, by March 10 (Bella has registered at Dagerman?s on the East side and Adams on the West side) Attention E-mail Users? E-Mail Chavarah Forming Over the past months, a growing number of Congre?gants, including our Rabbi, have joined the Internet. It's fun and simple, and has quickly become a great way of staying in touch with fellow Congregants. If you or someone in your family would like to join our informal group, fill out the form and send us your E-mail ad?dress. Mail to: Rabbi Akselrad, c/o Congregation Ner Tamid, 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89121; or E-mail to: Name________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ City/State/Zip______________________________________ E-mail______________________________________________ join MUy In February, NTTY's fundraiser, A Jewish Tailgate In A Box, was held. NTTY would like to thank many people for the success of this fundraiser including all the people who pur?chased one of these mouth-watering boxes. We would also like to give a big thanks to: Gourmet Foods, Casino Foods, Bagel Oasis, Vons, Jitters, and the Premium Connection, for all of their contributions to this wonderful fundraiser. March is sure to be a great, fun, and spiritual month for NTTY. We will have our annual NTTY service on March 8. The rest of the month will be filled with many activities. There will be no NTTY meeting on March 10. Watch your mail for news on upcoming April events. NTTY meets at Congregation Ner Tamid every Sunday evening from 6:00-8:00 p.m. For more information, call Dustin Tiep, 458-1431 or Joey Unger, 454-1205. OCongregation NerTamid March 1996-5756 BmS if IIniitiitf;iiiiiiII Herns Update As usual, The Boys of Brotherhood have been busily working to make Ner Tamid the most special place in town. One notable adjustment is that now we have couples as Friday Night Greeters. I have received favorable comments from Temple Congregants about the new smiling faces at the door. Anyone who wishes to partici?pate by greeting and ushering on Fridays or Saturdays, can select a day by calling Scott at 897-7888. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet new friends and keep that special warmth at Congregation Ner Tamid. To make it a very special Shabbat, consider sponsoring the Oneg on the same evening you are a Greeter, per?haps in order to recognize an anniver?sary, a birthday, a promotion, or as a gift. If someone you know is celebrat?ing a special occurrence, dedicate the Oneg Shabbat in their honor and al?low them to be a greeter that Friday night. If you have been coming to ser?vices, you might have noticed an?other Brotherhood contribution. The new prayer books are either donated by Brotherhood, or have been re?bound and paid for by Brotherhood. It is a nice feeling to be able to pray from a book that is clean, fresh, and new looking , so over the last 18 months we have been pulling dam?aged and soiled books from our rack and having them rebound. That way, when the permanent book holders are finally installed, maybe by 1999, all prayer books will be as clean and fresh as our sanctuary. One under-utilized room in our Temple is the Sanctuary's quiet room. That is the small glass enclosed room at the rear of the Sanctuary. This is the perfect place to sit with a potentially noisy child, or someone who just acts like a child. From this secluded area you can see and hear the service, and the congregation is not disturbed by the occasional noise outburst. Please, act as a host and mention this room to anyone you see with a potentially dis?ruptive child. Gil Shaw and I are running the Congregation Ner Tamid Electronic Havurah. If you are on line and wish to participate, send your e mail ad?dress to Gil at <Gil> Congregation Ner Tamid now has a home page on the world wide web. To visit our page go to <http:/ / form/uahc/congs/nw/nv002> It is still a simple page, text only; eventu?ally I'll learn how to spice it up. If you would rather receive Brotherhood meeting notices and an?nouncements via e-mail or by fax, call me and we'll accommodate your spe?cial requests. Fax and e-mail is easier and less expensive than snail mail. Anyone who is on line and has an e- mail address can reach me at <>. Come to the next Brotherhood meeting March 3, 9:30 a.m. in the Temple library. We'll have a special speaker there. VOLUNTEER TO HELP AT THE SPRING GALA /AUCTION. $ Shalom y'all, Scott Dockswell A Taste of Judaism Congregation Ner Tamid has been selected out of a field of over 85 Congregations to serve as a test site for a new program offered by the UAHC's Commission on Outreach entitled, "A Taste of Judaism," through the generosity of a grant provided by The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation. Rabbi Akselrad will offer three 2-hour lectures beginning Monday April 8, and continuing on April 15 and 22. The course will cover the topics of Spirituality, Jewish Ethics and Community. The grant program provides for this program to be offered to unaffili?ated Jews, and those who simply wish to learn more about Judaism. If you are aware of individuals who would be interested and who are not part of any Synagogue, please have them call Judy at 733- 6292. Registration will be limited to 30 participants only. We can feel very proud that our Temple has been selected to be a test site for this innovative and exciting new program offered by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations! OMarch 1996-5756 Congregation Ner Tamid Women of sist&rhood; If you're a Libra, a Scorpio or just interested in the stars, Sisterhood's January program with Shelley Fischer really enter?tained you. The turnout was incredible, and Sisterhood's "Women of the 90s" filled the room. It shows how well received a program can be and all of our members proved that fact. Sisterhood is always looking for new and interesting ideas for programs to bring to our members. If you have a thought or two on this subject, give me a call or write to me at the Temple. This month Sandy Ziskrout brings to us "How To Stop The Violence." This meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 27 at 7:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Maxine, 898-3592. January's Mitzvah Day went off without a hitch, and Sisterhood would like to thank Sylvia Frank and Janet Schlessinger for all their efforts in the projects they chose for Sisterhood to address. Sylvia's idea of having all our members bring in slightly used or new books or an educational toy for chil?dren who reside at Shade Tree Shelter was a huge success. Janet got our members to bring in baby clothing for the neo natal ward at UMC. We still need a few more items, so call Janet, 871-8181 and she will direct you in exactly what is needed. Thank you ladies for chairing our sisterhood Mitzvah Day as part of our commitment to our Temple's Social Action Committee. Don't forget to make your reservation for the 2nd Annual Women's Seder on Tuesday, April 7 at 6:00 p.m. Cost is $10 for members and $15 for non-members. Your check is your reserva?tion. Send all reservations to our Temple, 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121; Attn: Maxine Gratz. If you have any questions, call me, 898 3592. Again RSVP is a must. We will not take any money at the door and our deadline is April 3. Don't miss this very special Seder. I try to give our readers an insight to the leaders of Sisterhood who are often mentioned in this article. I believe you need to know our women, whether on paper or in person. All women are working very hard to make sure our Sisterhood's goals and obligations are met. However, it has come to my atten?tion that some people are unhappy with our Party Shop and prices. Before I continue, I need to share with you that my concept of doing a mitzvah or donating to tzadakah should be private. My loyalty is to our Temple, but my home is with my Sisterhood. Therefore, I have no other choice but to share with you exactly where the profits from the Party Shop nest. Without this wonderful on-going fund-raiser, Sisterhood would not be able to donate to our Temple the "alway