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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V Los Angeles - April 28, 195^ MEMORANDUM FOR FILE: WtVi. H. APR 2 9 1954 Mr. Cory phoned from Las Vegas this morning, advising that only three bids were submitted on the Bond Issue by the Las Vegas Valley Water District as follows: lid No. 1 Mr. Miles Pelikan representing John Nufben and Company and Associates, with a Cashier's Check for $200,000.00 submitted an offer for $8,700,906.5^, bonds to be dated March 1, 195^. Bonds to bear interest as follows: Bonds to be delivered within 30 days following award. Bonds are to be checked by firm of O'Melveny & Myers as to legality. Nofteen & Associates made several conditions to their bid, one of which was that the Water District would be required to amend Section 19 in connection with Reserve Fund being maintained. Another condition was that they were to approve agent to handle bonds either in Los Angeles, Chicago or New York. mitted bid of $8,700,000 on bonds at However, no Cashier's check in the amount of $200,000 as required was submitted. They stated they would submit check upon acceptance of bid up to September lh, 195^* They also made several conditions to their bid, one of which was that they (Water District) were to check with B.M.I. with regard to right of ways. Cory stated that in his opinion this bid would be considered as out of order and will not be approved by the District. Mr, D. R. Bonniwell on behalf of Ira Haupt & Company and A f V m n f l n v fi,^Airmon4 a H *hv A. fthfiftlr f A T m a d e 11996572 - 1961 - 1976 11998707 - 1979 - 1989 1990 Average interest 3.90# 3.972$ Bid No. 2 Mr, Patrick J, Ryder on behalf of Shields & Co. sub- Bid No. 2