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    203 SPECIFICATION NO. 14, MISCELLANEOUS DISTRIBUTION MAIMS - ACCEPTANCE The following letter from J. M. Montgomery dated March 19, 1956 relative to acceptance of Speci­fication No. 14, Miscellaneous Distribution Mains was read and discussed. "Mr. W. C. Renshaw March 19, 1956 Chief Engineer and General Manager Las Vegas Valley Water District P. 0. Box 1109 Las Vegas, Nevada Subject: Specification No. 14 - Construction of Distribution Mains - N. P. Van Valkenburgh Company, Contractor Dear Mr. Renshaw: All work under the subject contract was completed as of March 15, 1956 and it is recommended that the contract be accepted. By Addendum No. 1, the contract completion date was extended from February 1, 1956 to March 1, 1956. Since all lines under the contract became usable as of February 28, 1956, it is recommended that no liquidated damages be assessed. Very truly yours, JAMES M. MONTGOMERY /s/ R. C. KENMIR R. C. Kenmir" Manager Renshaw recommended that the contract be accepted and that any liquidated damages be waived. A motion was duly made by Director Rosevear, seconded by Director Cornwall, and unanimously approved by the four Directors present, that Specification No. 14, Miscellaneous Distribution Mains be accepted and liquidated damages be waived as recommended by J. M. Montgomery and Manager Renshaw. STATEMENT - JULIA BARKHUFF A statement from Julia Barkhuff in the amount of $3.71 for photographic expenses was submitted for approval. A motion was duly made by Director Rosevear, seconded by Director Thorn, and unanimously approved by the four Directors present that the statement in the amount of $3*71 submitted by Julia Barkhuff be approved. SPECIFICATION NO. 12. CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 Change Order No. 3 to Specification No. 12, Bovee & Crail Construction Company, in the amount of $438*32 covering miscellaneous changes, was submitted for approval. Manager Renshaw explained the changes involved in the change order and recommended its approval. A motion was duly made by Director Rosevear, seconded by Director Cornwall, and unanimously approved by the four Directors present, that Change Order No. 3 to Specification No. 12, Bovee & Crail Construction Company, in the amount of $438.32 be approved.