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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, January 1997



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    January 1997 - Vol. XVI No. 4 Tevet/Shevat 5757 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Bob Unger President Monty E. Willey Administrator Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Melissa Roth Program Director Reform Judaism in the Year 2010 January 24-26th will mark our annual Scholar-in-Residence week?end featuring noted author, lectur?er and publisher Dr. Seymour Rossel. Dr. Rossel?s first lecture will be at Shabbat Services, January 24th at 7:30 p.m. and will be entitled, ?Reform Judaism in the year 2010?. The program will continue on Sat?urday morning January 25th at 9:30 a.m. with a continental break?fast followed by an abbreviated Shabbat morning service in the Beit itfillah. At 11 -00 a.m. Dr. Rossel Sil offer a creative lecture/discus- sion on the Haftorah portion. Kid- dush will follow. The program continues in the evening at 6:30 p.m. with a lecture/discussion en?titled, ?Education Dreams?. The evening will conclude with a beau?tiful Havdalah Ceremony. Students and teachers will be treated to a special program Sun?day morning and classes will be dismissed early that day at 11:00 a.m. to allow teachers the oppor?tunity to participate in a training session entitled, "Secret Formulas for the Jewish Classroom." Seymour Rossel is the author of twenty-three books for Jewish and public schools, including A Child?s (continued on page 2) Friday, January 3 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Baby Naming of Gina Greer Gollard Daughter of Lisa &. Russell Gollard Oneg sponsored by the Gollard Family Friday, January 10 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Congregant of the Year New Member Shabbat Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood B Saturday, January 11 ^Bar Mitzvah of David Levy 10:00 am Kiddush sponsored by the Levy Family Friday, January 17 Alternative Services 7:30 pm 4th 8. 5th Grade Shabbat 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Friday, January 24 Scholar-in-Residence 7:30 pm Junior Congregation 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Friday, January 31 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by the Sisterhood Jerusalem: Whose City? The Las Vegas Anti- Defamation League and Congre- fation Ner Tamid will co-sponsor abbi David Rosen, Director of Interfatih Relations, ADL Jerusa?lem. Rabbi Rosen will speak at CNT on Tuesday, January 7 at 7pm on a variety of topics including Israel?s relationship with the Vatican, Christian and Islamic faiths. Rabbi Rosen is the Anti- Defamation League?s co-liaison to the Vatican and is responsible for Inter-Faith Relations in Israel for ADL. He serves as a member of the International Jewish Com?mittee for the Inter-Religious Consultations which represents organized World Jewry in its relations with other world reli?gious bodies and is also a member of the State of Israel?s delegation (continued on page 2) features Congregants of the Year Event..........2 Rabbi?s Message.......................................2 President?s Message................................3 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist.... 4 January Bar Mitzvah................................6 Board Member Profile.............................7 NTTY & TNT................................................8 Auxiliaries & Committees.......................9 Anniversaries & Birthdays..................11 Channukah Preparation Pictures ..14 Tributes........................................................15 Yahrzeits......................................................17 UAHC Programs.....................................18 cd Spjpjeicd. ^filaee (Jo (Belong,Bible, A Thousand and One Chickens, When aJew Prays, When a Jew seeks Wisdom, Journey through Jewish History, The Holo?caust, Israel: Covenant People, Covenant Land and Managing the Jewish Classroom. His articles nave appeared in numerous periodicals. His latest books are: A Congrega?tion of Learners: Transforming the Synagogue into a Learning Com?munity and Let Freedom Ring: A History of the Jews of the United States. Dr: Rossel is Publisher of the Union of American Hebrew Con?gregations Press. From 1993-95 he served the Reform movement as Director of the Department of Education and Director of the Commission on Reform Jewish Education. He serves on the national executive boards of the Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education, the Jewish Book Council of America, and the National Association of Temple Educators. He served as Vice- Chairperson of CAJE, and as a consultant to the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, the Union of Councils for Soviet Jewry, the Los Angeles Jewish Federation, the American Association for Ethio?pian Jewry, and the Skirball Muse?um of Hebrew Union College. In 1988, he was Chairperson of the CAJE 13 Conference in Israel - a conference which garnered an international prize in education and the Moment Magazine Award for Communal Service. In 1996 he was Chairperson for the International CAJE Conference in Israel. In his professional career, Mr. Rossel served as headmaster for the Solomon Schechter Academy of Dallas, President of Rossel Comput?er Consulting and Rossel Books, Executive Vice-President of Behr- man House Publishers, Educational Director of Temple Shalom of Dallas, Director of Education for Temple Beth El of Northern Westchester, Director of Curriculum at Temple Emanuel of Great Neck, and Coordinator of the School of Education of Hebrew Union Col- lege-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York. He has been a frequent lecturer at the Jewish Theological Seminary and at the Los Angeles and Cincinnati campuses of Hebrew Union College. Mr. Rossel studied education and history at S.M.U., L.S.U.N.O., and the Jerusalem Institute for Youth Leaders. He holds an M.A. In Jewish Education from New York University. It is hard to believe that yet another year has come and gone. As Jews living in a secular culture, we have the opportu?nity to feel the passage of time more than once. The High Holydays, now a seemingly distant memory from today, were an opportunity to reflect seriously about ourlives and to repent for sins that we committed inadvertently or on pur?pose. Many of us, caught up in the power and majesty of the day made promises to ourselves and G-A. What has nappened to them? And to us? While, the secular New Year is typically characterized by a more frivolous atti?tude, nonetheless, it too encourages us to reflect and make New Year?s resolu?tions. Perhaps our first resolution should be to reflect back upon our commitments of just a few months ago. What came so easily to our lips then, I must with great strength be put into A --------------------------- J deed today. For in reality, it is not the passage of time that encourages us to act, but the sadness that so much time has passed with so little accomplished. In other words, time itself is ?neutral?. It neither heals nor wounds, humiliates or honors. Tradition teaches us "to number our days that we might receive a heart of wis?dom." In recognizing the preciousness of time, we can certainly become less frivo?lous. But wiser? That depends on our ability to grow, to learn new things, and to recognize that though we may pay homage to the passage of time, it is our deeds that matter most. January 1st gives us a second chance to reflect. Let?s not miss this opportu?nity, because after all, second chances come about only once. fRgbbUAf^tkad The Scholar-in-Residence pro?gram is open to the entire com?munity at no charge and^^ sponsored by our Adult Educal^^ Committee, Sisterhood and Brotfv erhood. For more information con?tact Rabbi Akselrad at 733-6292. Congregants of the Year for 1996 REMINDER On January 10, Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, spiritual leader at Congregation Ner Tamid will be joined by Cantorial Soloist Sella Feldman, and our new members as they bestow the honor of ?Congregants of the Year for 1996? to Gil and Natalie Shaw. A photo will be taken that evening of all new members with Gil and Natalie as an addition to our permanent display of ?Con?gregants of the Year?. ALL NEW MEMBERS ARE TO BE AT THE TEMPLE BY 6:30 PM, FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 10 FOR THIS PHOTO. If you have an^ questions, please call me atf 456-7617. ?Ifamfe JJacfy Rosen Jeruse/um - Who s City (continued) on the Permanent Bi-Lateral Commission with the Holy See which negotiated the recent accord and normalization of Israel-Vatican relations. He is President of the Jerusalem institute of Inter-Religious Re?search and Relations and is a founder of the Inter-Religious Co-ordinating Council in Isra?el. He is also a founder of Clergy for Peace as well as of the Rabbinical Human Rights Organization on whose exec?utive board he continues to serve. Rabbi Rosen is Presi?dent of the World Conference on Religion and Peace, the all encompassing world inter' faith body. '? Congregation Ner Tamid January 1997 Temple Board Members Bob Unger President Drew Levy VP Administration Allan Nathanson VP Ways & Means Jacky Rosen VP Membership David Stahl VP Religious Activities Scott Stolberg VP Education Scott Dockswell VP Social Alan Mann Treasurer Debra Kaner Secretary Sylvia Beller Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Ruth Urban Trustee David Mendelson Trustee Jon Sparer Trustee Rita Goldstein Trustee Esther Saltzman Trustee Kenny Epstein Trustee Janis Rounds Sisterhood Jeff Markewich Brotherhood Helen Zliser Golden Chai Joey Unger NTTY Shayna Unger TNT Jerry Gordon Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President w, Steve Kollins Past President Michael Cherry Past President Eugene Kirshbaum* Past President Leo Wilner Advisor ^Deceased MitzvahDay Join us on January 12,1996 for our 3rd Annual Mitzvah Day. This event is truly a Synagogue Wide project as the Social Actions Committee and Religious School and Teen organiza?tions come together to help needy families. We are very proud of our Mitzvah Day, and we encourage everybody to come give us a hand. January 1997 M ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT I have to start out the New Year with many thank yous for the month of December. Many of our Congregants helped the Temple in many ways during last month but three ?events? required extra help from our membership and you came through again. First, I must thank the over 100 people who helped at the Gal?leria Mall gift wrap center. Thanks to your help the mall has asked us back next year. This fund-raiser was enormously successful. At the time of writing this column, the work is not yet complete, but I expect the proceeds to be over $10,000.00. This will be a great fund-raiser for us for many more years. Aydie 1 are particularly grateful to Susan Schy- man, Jeff Schyman and Mike Unger, who have been there every time we needed them at the booth during these last two months. We would not have made it through without the help of these three people. 1 can not close my discussion of the gift wrap center without telling the Con?gregation about the job done by my wife. Aydie took on the responsibil?ity of organizing the staffing, get?ting volunteers from the Congregation, NTTY, and from the Green Valley High School choirs. She had the task of calling to confirm appointments and the difficult task of filling last minute cancellations, usually oy working herself. Aydie personally put in over 100 hours at the booth in addition to the ?admin?istrative? functions she handled. We owe her a big thank you. Next, thank you to the par?ents who helped make the SWFTY conclave held here December 12-15 one of the best conclaves ever. Sev?eral families housed the 75 out of state high school students who were here attending the weekend event. Each of the families were responsible for driving and feed?ing their guests for the weekend. It required a special effort from these parents and NTTY and Con?gregation Ner Tamid looked great to these regional kids and staffT We are proud of everyone involved for a great job done by all. Those of you who read these articles regularly know that 1 like to talk about the two ways to help the temple, giving of your time and giving or your money. Having just thanked those who gave tneir time in December, 1 must turn to those who helped us finan?cially. During December an op?portunity arose for us to resolve an ongoing dispute with our con?tractor over the final outstanding balance due on the contract for construction of the sanctuary. We were able to favorably resolve the matter, saving over $75,000 in the process, but only because we of?fered a cash settlement. Once the settlement was accepted, we had to raise $120,000.00 on short no?tice. Several congregants stepped forward and met our request in less than 10 days. We are very grate?ful to those congregants and will never forget how lucky we are to have their continued support and generosity. I continue to be over?whelmed by the love and support our Congregation receives from its membership. We all have a won?derful 1997 to look forward to. <BoS cA tSpn'iul r()h te t CJo rJielonij. Happy New Year! The last two months were so busy they are somewhat of a blur. Lets see, in November we had the Jazz Shabbat; then the busiest, most exciting, Chanukah ever; next came 100 teenagers for the SWFTY winter wonder it flew by! I?d like to tell you in more detail about these happenings. I am still hearing compli?ments from those of you who attended the Jazz Shabbat in November. 1 am very proud of the program and excited about its success. 1 am also proud of both my Adult and Jr. Choirs for their extraordinary effort and talent. Thank you to everyone who made the evening so wonderful. Dr. Bowen was a special treat and 1 know he was very pleased with the Service and charmed by our Congregation. Our Jr. Choir is so popular they traveled all over Las Vegas sharing Chanukah songs with the community. Some of the perfor?mances were done jointly with the Temple Beth Am Jr. Choir. First they sang at the Festival of Trees and Lights at the Hilton Hotel, then at the Fremont Street Experience and finally at the Montera Meadows Convalescent home. Of course they led us in prayer and song at our Chanukah Family Services as well. These kids are fabulous! Thank you so much to all the parents for all their ?schlepping? and support 1 also visited many places on my own this year including three public schools, a pre-school and two retirements homes. Each year I?m invited to share the story of Chanukah with more and more people. 1 enjoy the opportunity to teach people a little bit about Judaism. 1 had a great thrill when channel 8 contacted me to be on TV, even if it was at 5:45 a.m. So, a news crew came to my home and they taped four segments from my living room and kitchen. I told the stoiy of Chanukah and even fried some latkes! Avi was a celebrity too! It was a lot of fun. 1 hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and wish good things to you all! <Belh Summer Camp Fair Congregation Ner Tamid will be sponsoring a Camp Fair after Religious School on Sunday, January 12 from 12:15 - 2:15 pm. We will have representatives from Hess Kramer, JCA Shalom, Camp SWIG, and Camp Pearlstein on the premises to give out information and answer any questions you might have about Jewish sleep-away camp. Come and have some food and fun while learning about the different camps programs. MAPIIAL Workshop Dr. Sandy leading a snr S Ziskrout will be four session workshop of relationship building to be offered Tues?day January 7,14, 21 and the last class will be Wednesday January 29,1997. The group will be held from 7:00 -1):00 m at the temple. The cost of riis course is $60.00 for members and $70.00 for non members and is open to the entire community. The course will discuss different topics each week, focusing on Communication skills, problem-solving, and creat?ing a Jewish family. Dr. Ziskrout has been a member of our temple for many years and has lea programs through?out the community. We encourage all recently en?gaged and newly married couples to participate in this program as a chance to help strengthen their relationship and make some great new friends. If you Tiave any questions, please call Melis?sa at the temple 733-6292. Adult Education Adult Education Winter classes will be starting soon. Please see insert for more information and registration. Congregation Ner Tamid January 1997 Congregation Ner Tamid is Proud to Salute Our 1996 Congregants of the Year Oil St Natalie Shaw and Welcome our New members of 1996 Mr. it Mrs. Richard Allan Mr. it Mrs. Kenneth AHose Mr. Stuart Anbcter Mrs. Dorothy Aronson Mrs. Hilary Baggs Mr. it Mrs. Norman Bard Mr. it Mrs. Steven Bass Mr. it Mrs. Kenny Berman Mr. &? Mrs. Myron E. Bernstein Miss Suzanne Bertman Mr. Richard Besmanoff Mrs. Gaby Hababou Beyer Mr. it Mrs. Abraham Braun Mr. it Mrs. Steve Braverman Mr. it Mrs. Marie R. Bromberg Mr. Joseph Chemisoff Mr. Stephen Cioobeck Mr. &? Mrs. Jerald M. Cohen Ms. Judy Kaye Cornett Mrs. (Xjithia R. Crighton Ms. Marsha del Vale Mr. it Mrs. Nteson Dias Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Dickerman Ms. Susan M. Effros Mr. & Mrs. Hatty Ehrlich Mr. Charles Feenberg Mr. it Mrs. Jack Erickson Mrs. Ada Feldman Ms. Deidre Felgar and Judi Surosky Mr. it Mrs. Morns Rnkelstein Mr. it Mrs. Ronald Freid Mr. Brad Friedman Mr. G. Friedman it Mrs. C. Doitis Mr. it Mrs. Jerald I. Friedman Mr. Michael Geeser Mrs. Janette L Goldstein Mr. Phillip Goldstein Mr. it Mrs. Robert Goldstein Dr. it Mrs. Rusel D. GoOard Ms. Matilda Green Mr. it Mrs. Stephen Greenberg Mr. it Mrs. George Haber Mr. it Mrs. Leo Hahn Mr. M. Halerman Ms. D. Gtckhouse Mrs. Elisabeth Harris Ms. Penny L Manley-Harris Mr. it Mrs. Donald Helpem Mr. Leoanrd Herzog Mr. it Mrs. Paul Jasienski Mr. it Mrs. Jeffrey A. Joseph Mrs. Arlene Kagan Dr. it Mrs. Gary L Kantor Mr. W. Kanter & Ms. Marie Harris Ms. Pamela D. Katz Ms. Judith Klein Mr. it Mrs. Harvey Klene Mr. it Mrs. Earl Leppo Mr. it Mrs. Marvin Levine Mr. it Mrs. Martin H. Litt Mr. Jeffrey Markewich Mr. it Mrs. Todd Marshall Mr. it Mrs. Charles Matthews Mr. Roger M'ntzer Mr. Steven Molasky Mr. it Mrs. Donald Norris Mr. it Mrs. Patrick R. Orr Mrs. Deborah 8. PofocSno Mr. &? Mrs. Richard Pearson Mr. T. Pema it Mrs. G. Ehrlich Mr. it Mrs. Wayne E. Peterson Mr. it Mrs. Anthony J. PoSts Mr. &? Mrs. Marc J. Pomerantz Mr. it Mrs. Brian A. Pool Mr. it Mrs. Pete Rivera Dr. Beth C. Rosenberg Mr. it Mrs. Marvin Rosenthal Mr. it Mrs. Scott Ross Mr. it Mrs. Henri Rouzand Mrs. R. Rowland it Mrs. Y. Wolf Ms. Beverly Schacter Ms. Geraldine Shiftman Mr. A. Shorr and Ms. N. Daniels Mr. it Mrs. Lous Sclde Mr. it Mrs. Edwin B. Simon Ms. Metre Skinner Mr. it Mrs. Marvin Snyder Mr. it Mrs. Ronald C. Smilow Mrs. Suzanne Sonnier Mrs. Elenanor L Spector Mr. it Mrs. Ire Spector Mr. it Mrs. Hetman Stone Mr. it Mrs. Howard Strong Ms. it Lfian K. Tassler Mr. it Mrs. Stan M. Tsube Ms. Mary E. Toomin Mrs. Jan Trueworthy Mr. it Mrs. Donald Urger On January 10, Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, spiritual leader at Congregation Ner Tamid will be joined by Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, and our new members as they bestow the honor of "Congregants of the Year for 1996" on Gil and Natalie Shaw. A photo will be taken that evening of all new members and Gil and Natalie as an addition to our permanent display of "Congregants of the Year". ALL NEW MEMBERS ARE TO BE AT THE TEMPLE BY 6:36 PM. FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 10 FOR THIS PHOTO. If you have any questions, please call me at 456-7617. Thanks.Jacky Rosen PLANNING SET FOR 199S BAR / BAT M1TZVAHS We Arc beginning to scViebvde BAr / BAt MUzvaVis for the caI enb Ar vjCAr 1998. If vjovt Arc panning or expect to f?Ave a BAr / BAt MUzvaVi in 1998 Anb h avc not received a pAckct from the office bv< jAnwArvj 3,1997, pleAse caII KArcn Levine Anb bisewss it with her. It is essentiAl tfiAt we begin the panning for vjowr bAte now as time CAn slip awav( Anb the bAtes become limiteb as we Ap- proAch 1998. January 1997 cA (Special ^Place\ xJa rJiciontf 5 ^ kfazel Toy to our Bar Mitzvah- Vavit> Levy Hi, mvj mawc is DAvib AlcxAviber tspmozA- Levu, I?m thirteen vjcats olb Anb was bom m Los Angeles, CAlifor- vha. I?m reAlIu excitcb About mv\ Bat MitzvAh, Anb being Able to roach this speciAl moment in mtj life. 1 Attenfc O?CAlUhAti School. Mvj bobbies Are computer ?Ames, bAse- BaII cArb col?lecting Anb bAsketbAli. 1 enjovj bwilbing electronic bevices Anb I?m thinking About a CAreer in electricAl engi?neering or something in the reUteb sciences. Hebrew Lnmcy Marathon! Are you ready to learn Hebrew? Imagine actually reading Hebrew from the Hagadah during Passover this year. Come spend ONE DAY and you too can be reading Hebrew! Melissa Roth will lead a six hour Hebrew Marathon session on Sunday, February 2, 1997 at the Temple from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. The cost of the class is $20.00 for supplies. Please sign up by January 17,1997 to reserve your spot in the race for Hebrew literacy. Call Melissa at the Temple at 733-G292 for more marathon information. Got those running shoes ready? We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals and businesses for their generous donations to the raffle that benefited the Sisterhood Campership Program at the Channukah Bazaar on Nov. 17. Melinda Johnson Greg Lenners Tracy Berrett Cindy Kozmary Steven Bass Binion?s Horseshoe Sheri Cohen M.J. Wholesale El Portal Luggage Tupperware Weekenders Clothing Milner Marketing WilliamS'Sonoma Judy Hopson Charley?s Pizza Rounds, Chenin &. Lewis Families a ? a Congregation Ner Tamid Once again we are looking forward to a successful Mitzvah Day. Next year we will be having our Mitzvah Day in October to coincide with the national ?Make a Difference Day.? The date will be October 25, 1997. We will submit our plans to USA Weekend Magazine and hopefully we will be mentioned in the magazine. We sent 15 packages to students who live away from home for Chanukkah. Each student received a menorah, candles, some geit(chocolate) and a little toy. One of the packages went to Australia and actually got there in time. We will be sending packages to the students for Passover. IF we do not have the address of your child away at college, please get it to us so we can include them. We wish you all a happy healthy New Year. Hope to see at our meetings in 1997. ?BetteStafU <Do you have a family member or a friend 10 is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Karen in the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. January 1997 Board Member Profile Vice-President - Education KOTT STOLBERG CNT E-mail Directory A Akselrad, Rabbi Sanford Ales, Mary My name is Scott Stolberg and I am the Vice President of Education. I was born and raised in the Chicago suburb of Lincoinwood. I attended Indiana University in Bloomington and graduated with a finance degree in 1982. I returned to Chicago, and after a couple of years joined my fami?ly?s business. Very soon after that my wife Sandy and I were fixed up on a date and a year and a half later were married. B Beller, Sylvia/Neil Blumenfeld, Stewart Soruszak, Allan During 1987 we moved to southern California in order to expand our company. We lived there for six years and our daughter Megan was born in 1990. In 1992 we again moved in order to keep our company grow?ing to Las Vegas. And in 1994 we had our second child Benjamin. Like so many others Sandy and I went looking for a Temple soon after arriving in Las Vegas. We also were looking for a Jewish preschool for our daughter. We checked out the school at Ner Tamid and soon after en?rolled Megan and joined the Temple. It has been a dynamic time to be a member of the Temple and so many people helped make us feel like one of the family. This is why I accepted this position. I want to give some?thing back to the Temple, and I feel Jewish education is very important and nope to one day see a return of a Jewish preschool at Ner Tamid. HOURS "SpEciAl People - SpeciAl PIace" 1 997 usLerecI iN wrrh a Banq! TIhese SpEciAl PeopIe Lave joiNEd our fAiviily: MeI HaIIerman & DsbRA GlichousE MARviN & Karen LsviNE CItarIes & Fran Matthews BeverIy ScIiaIer DONAld & GloRiA FUlpERN WeIcome All! MAy rhis New Year bRiNq - HeaItIh - Peace - ANd SECURiiy to you ANd youRs. fynae MEIVlbERship CoMMiTTEE Temple Wish List Kitchen Items: Table drapes Commercial chaffing dishes Melissa?s 7th grade class is in need of tape recorders to help the students study Torah. If you can help, please call Melissa at 733-6292. Cormruter Items: 466 or higher Color inkjet printer Printer 600 dpi or higher Lotus 1-2-3 v.5 (Windows) Color flatbed scanner (600 dpi) mm c CHenin, David Cohen, Aaron Cracraft, Joe Cutter, Sara D Dockswell, Scott Doctors, Lois Doctors, Malcolm E Epstein, Ronnie (Federation) Etcoff, Lou/Marilyn Ewan, Sandy/Roger F Feldman, Sella Fessler, Marty Fleekop Family Flores, Gilbert Flushman, George Flushman, Sharlene Freid, Ron G Gold, Doug Greenspun, Danny H Herman, Jay/Terry Herren, Rebecca Hollander, Vic & Loretta J Joseph, Stephen (corrtinued on page 11) January 1997 d l S fie e ia l r()la ev (Jo (Belong. 1 7 A A jl&rtEUEyOWBl This was the most incredible month that NTTY has ever seen! The group finally hosted the conclave that they have been talking about for months. It was a great success, about 75 teenagers from all over the southwest congregated here in Las Ve?gas to share a wonderful experience. NTTY put in lots of effort and demonstrated a tremendous amount of teamwork in the organizing and pro?gramming for this conclave. NTTY would espe?cially like to thank Joey Unger and jolie Alhadeff for being awesome chairpeople for the event and for putting in endless hours. Conclave isn?t the only thing that NTTY did this month. We also had a very successful trip to Ultrazone, to take our minds off of conclave for one week. Come to NTTY and join the fun! We are a group of 9th-12th graders who love to hang out and do fun stuff. Hope to see you there!! If you have questions or just want to get on our phone lists give Joey or Matt Unger a call at 454 -1205. TNT is making a BOOM! We are off to a great start and are now planning a New Year calendar. In the past, we have had fantastic events such as Ultrazone and our Chanukah party...and there's much more to come next year! Get ready andget set to go full speed ahead in '97! Crack, bam, i east, joker! ? 1 I If this string of words means anything to you, I it's time to order your new Mah Jongg Card, | The Sisterhood makes money on every | card sold, so send a check for $4.50 for each card to: Florence Weinstein 4255 S. Channel 10 Drive #93 I Las Vegas, NV 89119 1 PLEA8E NOTE: Jr. Congregation Service Jr. Congregation's next service will be Friday, January 24 at 7:30 pm in the Beit Tefillah led bu Melissa Roth and Maxine Mofinsky. The service is open to all students in the fourth thru seventh grades. Please come and participate in the service and share a special Oneg with us. Congregation Ner Tamid January 1997 Sisterhood Xews Dear CNT Family, Here it is, a new year and a time for more new beginnings. As a Jew living in America, I have many things to be grateful for, and among them is the opportunity to celebrate the new year twice! So again, I can say that I hope all or you have a happy, healthy and prosperous new year, and may you be twice blessed! Sisterhood is so proud of the many wonderful things it has accom?plished. 1 am still beaming with the success of our Hanukkah Bazaar. We would like to thank everyone who contributed gifts for the raffle for Campership. With their help, we were able to raise $2600.00 for the Carnpership Program. Our Ways Means VPs Gale, Susan, and Esther really delivered what they promised in the Best Hanukkah Bazaar ever. We can?t thank them enough for the fantastic job they did in putting it all together. The decora?tions and the new vendors were wonderful. Speaking of thanks, 1 know that it is no excuse, but I was so excited and rushed to write the article about Sisterhood receiving the Eleanor Kretzer Kavot award at convention, that I failed to give Rita Malkin the Kavot that 1 should have. Rita had the inspiration to create the Party Shop for Sisterhood, and was instrumental in launching (not lunching) and es?tablishing it, so that it could grow to what it is today. For this, and the ither wonderful work she has always done for Sisterhood, we will be debted, including the great program she did this last month on glass, ?e all got a new appreciation for the art. Thank you Rita. This month?s Sisterhood program will be held on the Wed. Night., Jan. 15th with Debra Cohen, VP of Investments with Sutro Co. I hope that you can make it. It should be both informative Ik interesting. Again, Happy New Year, and ?Thanks for your support.? Jams Golden Chai As I write this article - my last one for Golden Chai - many thoughts are racing through my mincL Mostly I am aware of how much I?ve enjoyed working with this organization. However, I also know that four years is a long time, and both Golden Chai and I need a change. I expect to continue to work with the new president, but in a less challenging position. Another thought that?s im?portant to me is that so many people have helped me during my presidency. This past year I?ve had a remarkable board. I especially want to express my sincere appreciation to the following: Sol fk Florence Tolpen, Phil Seltzer, Rachel fk Irv Putterman, Harvey fk Estelle Miller, George and Fran oe Fink, Selma ie Zelkin, Jerry er, Carl Pittle, Howdy all you Buckaroos and BucJkarottosf If you?ve been a hankerin? for some good grub and a mighty fine time hold on to your bats cuz Sisterhood's got a hoodown for youtft Mosey on down with the rest of the posse to the Western Progressive Sinner (no young in s? please} and bring your appetite and dancin' feet. We'll see you here on: SATURDAY MIGHT / FEBRUARY IS, 1997. If you'd like to show some down home hospitality with the use of your ?ranch" as a watering hole for hors d?oveuvres, salad, or entree, please ring up horetta (263-5399), Natalie (45 1-1739), or Maxine (898-3592), if obliged. More information in the February bulletin. Lipshaw, Ronae 8. Katz, Monty fk Mil Stoken, Adele Mil i Leonard Herzog, Charlie Eisenberg and Sid and Terry Garber. There are many others who helped with our fundraising events and various activities. They are too numerous to name, but to all who have pitched in to make the year a success, I thank you a million times. We have had a terrific year because of the involvement of the members. It is with pleasure that I can report an increase in membership to 130 paid members. Also, we were able to meet our obligation to the temple, make some extra contribu?tions, and have two free luncheons for paid-up members. Beside all of this, we have been able to provide funds for a professional entertainer every month, so that our programs could be of high quality. We can all take pride in these accomplish?ments. Let me end my term of office with my expression of gratitude for the privilege of serving and best wishes to my successor for a wonderful year ahead. Love and Shalom, MefenZ&ser .....A January 1997 cd Speeded. r/)luce (Belong. JBROTHERHOOD KTERROGATON # This upcoming year promises to be a fantastic one for our congregation. UUith the spectacular growth of our synagogue, your addition to this auxiliary is crudaL Children?s expectations for themselves are best established through lessons of love. We as parents and educators have a unique opportunity to be models for our children. We can chose to be models of love for Jewish values and traditions or we can be examples of difficulty of living Jewishly in a secular world. If we are committed to Jewish values and traditions we must encourage our children to be Jewish by deed and mitzvot. Many of us have had experiences that cause us to feel