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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    if WATER COMP ANT D ETA IL O F EXPENDITURES A C C O U N T O F W O R K ORDER N O ._6 % 1-4 9-1 0 0M — U jiSocATioN---Las Yagas Nevada Constructed 1461 LF of 8* and 36 IF of 10* cast iron PEscRiPTioN_placing 36 f*t» o£ 811 cast iron water wain, installed vcahte5c3k? Emvaalivna ar e-and P' ra-arrangad aviating*pipe line eonnactlona . m o n t h o f July-Paa^___ 19 .52 AMOUNT CHARGED TO— ADDITIONS AND BETTERMENTS LABOR MATERIAL TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES MISCELLANEOUS PHYSICAL PROPERTY MATERIAL ON HAND—STORE DEPARTMENT SALVAGE FROM ROAD PROPERTY RETIREMENTS ___ later System, Las Yagas, Nevada_______________ 9 694- 82 AMOUNT CREDITED TO— ROAD PROPERTY RETIRED AND NOT TO BE REPLACED RESERVE FOR ROAD PROPERTY TO BE RETIRED AND REPLACED DONATIONS AND GRANTS FORM 256 CLASSIFICATION: * * * * * * * CHARACTER OF IMPROVEMENT NO. TOTAL EXPENDITURES ACCT. NO. Q U A N TITY DESCRIPTION PRICE A D D ITIO N S AND B E TTE R M E N TS O P ER ATIN G EXPENSES Julv IQ52 V Cragin and Pika G® i$9 Bend premium v 57 24 Anpiist 1952 TEH » Charges transferred frna W0-67U. as fnllnwaj________________________ 2 8* gate valva PM) 109 96 219 92 3» v 3j;* Balt# fe Writs 161 5 15 4- 8H x 11* gaakats______________ 3** 1 36 Flaatlina Freight Charge a on abova 6 96 1 8* check valve FAD 132 69 !!£ _& Material Haad from Stock ^36' 10" cast iron pipe, 2 023 76 52 1 IQ* cqpt iron ping % 00 1 10* * 8* x 8* l/B True Wya -y. 73 02 H in" v 8 " vft* k/n . / " • 68 59 ___ 1___ 8* Ho, g gata valva_________ J53 87 53 Ontoher IQ52 T^ngley flnnatruatian Cawpaty w r M g , Lay, Backfill east iron water main at W. Charleston Blvd# and Douglas Drive 3 94-7 40 Vie Connections made on West Charleston be-twaan aviating 8* water mains over 2U* Lina at Onahman Drive and Strong Drive 438 60 Standard Wholesale Supply Co* 200lh»!*> Lead, m n ?**— ~2**i* ~9© m-3 AO 80 AW Jm • bead H5 L CariiedJorKard “ ± 7 MtL232J T / -19-