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Mr. R. M. Sutton 2 April 21, 1953 copies of customer records in the Las VCgas office which will enable them to make the proper collection of water charges. Other than that X do not see what accounting records or records filed with the Accounting Department we could properly turn over to the District. Certainly we could not turn over the basic accounting records of the Rail* road Companies or the Water Company which pertain to water production and distribution operations at Las Vegas because these records are only a part of the system of accounts of the companies mentioned which deal with other operations as well as the Las Vegas water operations. Xt may be that it would be reasonable to agree in our pur chase and sale contract to allow the District to inspect certain of our records for a limited period of time which we would not desire to turn over to them. Will you please promptly furnish me a list of those records in your possession relating to water production and distribution at Las Vegas and those accounting records maintained at Las Vegas which you think could properly be turned over to the District upon the sale date. Will you also please describe in a general way the documents in your possession or accounting documents at Las Vegas which you think should not be turned over to the District and your reasons therefor. Will you also let me have your views as to the extent we should go in permitting the District to have inspection of such records which we do not turn over to it. X have explained to the attorney for the District that the Water Con?)any does not keep its accounts in accordance with the accounting classification shown in the Annual Report of that Con?)any to the Nevada Public Service Commission and that it la necessary for that Company to extract from its accounts the information called for in the Annual Report. The District's attorney would like to know if there is a manual describing the nature of the charges and credits which are properly made to Account 115 and Account 327 which are set forth in the Annual Report. Can you furnish this information? MECRsMSB Enel. E. E. Bennett