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Program for Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Champions of Freedom Dinner Gala, March 15, 2003



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    CHAMPIONS OF FREEDOM DINNER GALA ?m w JEWISH FEDERATION of LAS VEGAS Saturday March 15,2003 B t t t n r a n d ? n n t ( S J y a l t t e l Jerome (D. 'Mack <A('Benedict (David Cjotdwater 'Arthur MarsdaCC Lloyd %atz (Dorotdy (Eisenderg Senator Widiam (hCernstadt (Pdd(Enge[ m m \ W JEWISH FEDERATION of LAS VEGAS 1-Caf Oder *Arne (Rosencrantz (Dr. (Marvin 91. (Perer (Dr. (Adan id. (Boruszatz (E[aine Cjatatz (David (Da dan (Doug ^linger Your dedication, compassion and service on hefiaff of tfie Jewish community has ensured a vibrant Jewish presence in Las Vegas. *May future Federation feaders huifd on your good works. mm W The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas presents our first annual CHAMPIONS OF FREEDOM DINNER GALA Honoring the past presidents of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Special Guest Speaker Dr. Sahi Shabtai Saturday evening, March fifteenth, 2003 Cocktails at 7:00 pm ^ Dinner at 7:30 pm Venetian Resort Hotel Casino Palazzo Ballroom CHAMPIONS OF FREEDOM DINNER GALA H O N O R A R Y C H A I R P E R S O N S Dr. Miriam and Sheldon Adelson E V E N T C O - C H A I R P E R S O N S Toni & Victor Chaltiel Dr. Gary Kantor Joyce Mack Cari Marshall Sharon E. Sigesmund Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg D I N N E R C O M M I T T E E Dr. Doris Soroky-Aarenau & Richard Aarenau Judy & David Applebaum Dr. Hugh Bassewitz Natalie & Art Berger Florence Bolatin Susan & Michael Cane The Honorable Michael A. Cherry Shelley Weinberg & Robert Dubin Diane & Kenny Epstein Gloria & Mark Fine Norma & Leon Friedman Brad Friedmutter Jodi & Andy Fonfa Susan Fine Karen Galatz & Jon Wellinghojf Janie Greenspun Gale & Jejf Gale Geri & Bernie Gilman Rhonda & Dr. Steven Glyman Sheryl & Robert Goldstein Yvonne & Gerald Gordon Barbara Greenspun Myra & Brian Greenspun Robin & Danny Greenspun Priscilla Schwartz-Hodes & Abe Hodes Tova & Haskel Iny Andy Katz Irwin Kisbner Lillian & Henry Kronberg Charles Lipschitz Judy & Ron Mack Phyllis & Dr. Milton Meyers Theresa & Michael E. Minden Emily & Michael Novick Esther dr Neville Pokroy Eric Polis Sonja & Michael Saltman Shevy dr Dr. Joseph Shalev Florence & Mel Shapiro Dorit & Ronnie Schwartz Susan Smith Sandra & Marvin Snyder Max Spilka Betsi & Dr. David Steinberg Leonard Stone Deantie & Harold Stralser Heidi Sarno-Straus & David Straus Jackie & Ronald Turshinsky Aydie & Bob LJnger Rachel & Sam Ventura Juanita & Dr. David Wasserman Janet & Dr. Kent Wellish Hyla & Ron Worth C H A M P I O N S OF F R E E D O M D I N N E R G A L A mm JEWISH FEDERATION of LAS VEGAS Dear Friends, Welcome to the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas' first annual Champions of Freedom Dinner Gala. What better way to inaugurate our first gala than by honoring our 15 past presidents, who represent true champions of freedom. This evening affords us the opportunity to gather as a community of leaders and to salute those who laid the foundation for what has become the fastest growing Jewish community in the country. The tremendous successes we have achieved over the past year stand as a living legacy to the efforts of these 15 past presidents. We are proud to share some highlights of the Federation's recent successes. We are excited to announce that the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas has just been awarded a Federal grant worth approximately $800,000 to support critically needed services to senior adults in our community. This grant will serve as the first step in our building a quality continuum of care for our senior population which has always been one of the major mission priorities of the Jewish Federation. At the most recent General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas was the proud recipient of the coveted national Pincus Sapir award for campaign achievement. This award was presented to only three intermediate federations this year for their campaign success, and this is the first time in the history of our federation that we have been a recipient. Our Young Adult Division (YAD) continues to be our federation crown jewel. We are confident that the future of our community will be well served by the graduates of the Young Leadership Development program. Our presence on the worldwide web has been an outstanding success. The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas' site at receives over one million hits annually. Perhaps our most exciting achievement this year was an event held on December 9, 2002, when the Jewish Federation was honored to host five active duty Israel Defense Force soldiers. More than 800 members of our Jewish community participated in this monumental event. We were so proud to stand as a united Las Vegas Jewish community in support of the State of Israel. We are now engaged in a major outreach effort in our community. We are committed to the total involvement of the more than 80,000 Jews who comprise the fastest growing Jewish community in the country. For all of these successes, the worldwide Jewish community stands on the brink of crisis and the nation of Israel stands in harm's way. Economic crisis faces our family in Argentina. Hunger threatens our family in the former Soviet Union, and our local Jewish community is under tremendous financial strain. For all that we have done and for all we have achieved, there is still so much more to do. We are convinced that the Jewish community of Las Vegas will meet the enormous challenges that lie ahead. There is no doubt that as a community, united under one Federation, we will succeed. <Rp6ert Vnger President Meyer L. (Bodoff Executive Vice President/CEO mm W Shalom and Welcome Welcome to the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and welcome to the fastest growing Jewish community in North America. We are honored that you are here this evening to join us in paying tribute to our past presi-dents. Together we salute their leadership and commit-ment in an evening to remember, an evening of champions. Whether you are new in the community, or a familiar face, somewhere along the way the Jewish Federation will probably touch your life - and we welcome you to be a part of it. The Jewish Federation, as a communal organization work-ing in partnership with benefi-ciary agencies, other Jewish organizations, and religious institutions, fosters a climate of respect for the diversity of Jewish ideas and practices. The Jewish Federation seeks to develop a Jewish com-munity based on the ideals of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and Tzedakah (righteousness, charity, and social justice), and create a positive identification with Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish people. The Jewish Federation is volunteers and professionals working together to fundraise, allocate, plan and coordi-nate services in response to Jewish needs in Las Vegas, in Israel, and around the world and to fulfill our role as American citizens to strengthen and advance the ideals of democracy. Ikwt) ^J/a/muiff THE JEWISH FEDERATION OF LAS VEGAS, REPRESENTS THE VOICE OF THE ORGANIZED JEWISH COMMUNITY. BOUND TOGETHER BY SHARED HISTORY, TRADITIONS, AND COMMON VALUES, IT SEEKS TO ASSURE JEWISH CONTINUITY IN LAS VEGAS, IN ISRAEL, AND AROUND THE WORLD, BY PRESERVING, STRENGTHENING, AND ENHANCING JEWISH LIFE, AND TRANSMITTING THESE VALUES TO SUCCEEDING GENERATIONS. Who We Are The Jewish Federation, a non-profit organization, is the central coordinating body for fundraising, planning, alloca-tions, and communal services for the Jewish community. A well-established, and widely-regarded humanitarian organi-zation, the Federation has served the Las Vegas commu-nity for almost the last three decades and has raised more than $40 million to support Jewish causes here in Las Vegas, in Israel and in 59 countries around the world. Activities, educational programs, and affinity groups for various segments of the community are offered by the Federation, including the Business and Professional Division, Community Relations Council, Maimonides and Brandeis Divisions, Women's Division, and the Young Adult Division. C H A M P I O N S OF F R E E D O M D I N N E R G A L A to providing opportunities for lifelong learning. The Federation promotes and advances Jewish education by providing funding and programmatic support for formal and informal Jewish learning on all levels. We continue to support our quality Jewish day schools, community-wide educational programs, as well as Hillel, located on the campus of UNLV. of Las Vegas/ Annual Community Campaign. The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas is the central address of the greater Las Vegas Jewish community ? the place where Jews come together to care for their own. Caring for the most vulnera-ble is at the heart of our mis-sion. To that end, we support vital programs and services provided by our agencies to ensure that needs are met: reaching out to the elderly, to children and adults in times of need and to those facing poverty and hunger. We pro-vide the lifeline that allows so many of our people to live with independence, dignity and hope. Carrying on the Tradition We remain committed to ensuring that our heritage is passed on to our children and Caring for the Community Throughout history, in small towns and large cities, it was the custom of Jewish communities to create a com-munity fund to care for one another. This guaranteed the privacy and dignity of those in need. It also began the development of a communal structure for centralized giv-ing. Today, our community fund is the Jewish Federation Y O U R DOLLARS A R E H E L P I N G T O SUPPORT FEDERATION'S C O M M U N I T Y PROGRAMS & BENEFICIARIES DESERT TO RAH ACADEMY Provides quality Jewish education to the children in our community. HILLEL AT UNLV Provides outreach and programs to support college-aged youth on campus. HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS SUPPORT GROUP Provides a unique forum to support the needs and concerns of local survivors of the Holocaust. ISRAEL, THE FORMER SOVIET UNION AND AROUND THE WORLD A major effort of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas supports the Jewish Agency for Israel and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee which serves more than one million people a year throughout the world. Federation delivers humanitarian aid, rescue and relief efforts, care for the victims of terror, and feeding programs for starving populations throughout the world. JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER OF SOUTHERN NEVADA Provides social, recreational, educational, and summer camping experiences to all segments and age groups in our community. JEWISH COMMUNITY WEBSITE Delivers a bold new opportunity for online informational exchange. In its first year of exis-tence, the Jewish Federation website www.jew-ishlasvegas. com has attracted over one million visitors worldwide. JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE AGENCY Delivers social and counseling services to the Jewish elderly, children, adolescents and families throughout southern Nevada. Provides infor-mation and referral, emergency assistance and a food pantry that services the most needy throughout the entire Clark County population. JEWISH REPORTER Publishes twice monthly as the central voice and record of the greater Las Vegas Jewish community with a readership of over 45,000 individuals per issue. MILTON I. SCHWARTZ HEBREW ACADEMY Provides quality Jewish education to the children in our community. SPERLING MACK HOLOCAUST RESOURCE LIBRARY & KRONBERG MEDIA CENTER Engages in educational and Holocaust aware-ness activities through schools and community groups throughout the state of Nevada. Houses a unique state-of-the-art library and multimedia center. Additional beneficiaries include the syna-gogues of southern Nevada program grants, Special Needs Educational Programs, Young Leadership Development Programs, and Nate Mack B'nai B'rith Youth Organization. Developing Financial Resources The Federation is committed to building community and developing the financial resources to fulfill our local, national and overseas commitments to our worldwide Jewish family. Funds are raised from a variety of sources, including the annual community campaign, endowment development, special campaigns, and grants from individ-uals, foundations, the gov-ernment and corporations. Through your annual com-mitment to the community campaign, we can make a difference in so many lives, connecting together individ-ual acts of caring for the res-cue, care and spiritual rebirth of Jews everywhere. The Jewish Community Foundation, the endowment development program of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, serves as the focal point for planned giving for the greater Las Vegas community, working to fulfill our growing community's long-term needs. Throughout the year we have worked with many individuals and families Phone: Fax: Mail: and their legal and financial advisors to structure planned gifts that have met the donors estate and tax planning chal-lenges while providing significant resources for the future well being of our community. How to Get Involved It is people just like you who make this a wonderful, vibrant community. Of all the roles the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas plays, none is more important than provid-ing an opportunity for you to care and join with others. We invite you to connect to our commu- There are many ways to become involved with the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. You can contact us by: (702) 732-0556 (702) 732-3228 2317 Renaissance Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 Email: Website: nity . . . a community rooted in Jewish values that respects its past, works for its future and is faithful to its aspira-tions. Our strength stems from the strong relationships between volunteers and professionals. We encourage and welcome your personal involvement in our Jewish Federation of Las Vegas family. {flfanfit/xw for your support Robert Unger Michael Novick Faye Steinberg President Vice President Women's Division President Meyer L. Bodoff Beth Miller Executive Vice President/CEO Chief Operating Officer C H A M P I O N S OF F R E E D O M D I N N E R G A L A C H A M P I O N S OF F R E E D O M An evening to remember... Saluting the past presidents of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas for their leadership and commitment JEROME D . MACK President, 1967 - 1968 Jerry Mack was a genuine 'original' in every sense of the word. In addi-tion to his role as the original president of Southern Nevada's first nationally recognized Jewish organization, the Las Vegas Combined Jewish Appeal (forerunner of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas), Jerry Mack is widely recognized as one of Las Vegas' most significant pioneer-ing financiers and visionaries. In addition to his firm diplomacy and dynamic leadership on behalf of the budding Las Vegas Jewish commu-nity, Jerry Mack was an active and lifelong member of numerous Jewish organizations. In one memorable year, 1973, Mack was presented with two of Israel's highest honors: The Prime Minister's Medal, which was personally presented to Mack by former Israeli Chief o f Staff, Zvi Tzur, on behalf of then-Prime Minister Golda Meir; and, Israel's Silver Anniversary Award, which Mack received for his efforts as chairman of the Israel Bond Campaigns from 1959-1967. Jerry Mack contributed his clear vision of a substantial community, his exceptional intelligence, and his firm brand of diplomacy to help develop and guide a fledgling Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. C H A M P I O N S OF F R E E D O M D I N N E R G A L A AL BENEDICT President, 1969-1970 Al Benedict served as the second President of the Combined Jewish Appeal of Las Vegas (now known as the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas), during the politically and socially turbulent years of 1969 to 1970. Continuing in the community-building footsteps of his CJA predeces-sor, Benedict seized the rising surge of pride for Israel, and the height-ened social activism among local Jewish leaders of the late 1960s. He led a concerted effort to increase awareness throughout our local Jewish community about the reality of Israel's military and economic fragility, and about the responsibility of American Jewish communities to respond to the needs of Eretz Yisroel. Benedicts leadership helped the Las Vegas Jewish community then, still in its infancy, become a recog-nized contributor of funds in support of Israel. We honor past president, Al Benedict, who played an integral role, during a pivotal era, in the development and growth of the Las Vegas Jewish community. DAVID GOLDWATER President, 1971 - 1973 David Goldwater, a longtime Las Vegas attorney, was born in Stockton, California, and served in the Marine Corps during World War II, earn-ing a Silver Star Medal and the Purple Heart. After establishing the law firm of Wiener, Goldwater and Galatz, David served as president of Federation's forerunner, the Combined Jewish Appeal. During his four-year term as president, David and his leadership team organized the first local Women's Division, now one of the most dynamic and successful of all Jewish Federation programs. David Goldwater's presidency also saw a visit to the community from then Israeli Ambassador Simcha Dinitz as well as the initial plans for a community Mission to Israel in 1974. David's tenure included an acutely challenging period in Israel's history in the wake of the Yom Kippur War. Then as now, the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, led our entire community's overwhelmingly supportive response to an Israel Emergency Fund campaign. David Goldwater practiced law and remained an active member of the community until just weeks before his death in November of 2000. Remembered fondly by friends, colleagues, and by his children, David, Daniel, Jason, Garrett and Hillary, as a "...bright, articulate and very caring person," David Goldwater, Sr.'s legacy lives on within the fastest growing Jewish community in the country, which he helped tend and nurture. C H A M P I O N S OF F R E E D O M D I N N E R G A L A ? K * i * i t* F ARTHUR MARSHALL President, 1974 - 1976\ 1992 - 1993 Art Marshall and his wife Jayn have lived in Las Vegas for rhe past 40 years, and Art has served two separate terms as Federation's President. During Art's second term as president, a building was purchased to house the Federation through the generosity of Sharon Sigesmund and her late husband Raymond. Art Marshall maintains a lifelong commitment to numerous philanthropic and civic activities, and he continues to be involved with state and national politics on a bi-partisan basis. He has served as Director of the State of Nevada Public Employees Retirement Systems, President of the Merchants Bureau of the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, and as a member of the National Finance Council of the Democratic National Committee. Art has received the prestigious State of Israel Bond's Prime Minister's Medal and was awarded the Anti- Defamation League's Distinguished Community Leadership Award in 1993. He also served as president of Temple Beth Sholom, chairman of Marshall-Russo, Inc., and he received UNLV's "Distinguished Nevadan" title. Art is currently a member of the Nevada Gaming Commission, chair-man of BankWest of Nevada, and a member of the Board of Directors of Western Alliance Bancorporation. It has been said of Art Marshall that he possesses a seemingly endless supply of energy, expertise, generosity and humanity, which he graciously shares with his fellow Jews and with the community as a whole. LLOYD KATZ President, 1977- 1978, 1984- 1985 Lloyd Katz epitomized the quintessential community leader. His pas-sionate commitment to philanthropic endeavors and his devotion to our community set a benchmark for future generations of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and its leaders. Serving two separate presidential terms for the Jewish Federation, Lloyd Katz remained a staunch believer in the need for solidarity within the Las Vegas Jewish community under one community-planning umbrella of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. With his wife, Edythe and sons Jeff and Barry, Lloyd wasted no time in energizing the Las Vegas Jewish community from the time he arrived here in 1951. He rallied fellow community-minded leaders Eli Welt, Arthur Liebert and Dave & Gert Katzman who organized and helped establish the first nationally recognized Jewish Family Service Agency in Las Vegas. Lloyd prevailed upon Hollywood celebrities, his col-leagues in the film industry, to help drive attendance and draw media attention to Federation's fund raising events. Lloyd was instrumental in formulating Federation's Young Leadership Program, Endowment Committee and the Las Vegas Jewish Reporter bi-weekly newspaper, which continues to be widely circulated today. A consistent champion of civil rights, Lloyd's unflagging commitment to the principles of tzedakah (char-ity & social justice) and tikkun olam (repairing the world), were evidenced in his support of other community organizations such as ADL and the Fair Housing Act of Nevada. In recognition of Lloyd's lifelong devotion to public service, the Clark County School District dedicated the Lloyd and Edythe Katz Elementary School and the Lloyd Katz Student Lounge at UNLV's Honors College. C H A M P I O N S OF F R E E D O M D I N N E R G A L A DOROTHY EISENBERG President, 1979-1980 Dorothy Eisenberg's distinguished tenure as a Jewish community leader has historic significance that exceeds the boundaries of Las Vegas or even Nevada. As president of the Combined Jewish Appeal, forerunner of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, Dorothy became the first woman president of a national Jewish organization in the United States. After earning her bachelors degree in Education from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA, Dorothy became a resident of Las Vegas in 1964 where she became an unparalleled civic and Jewish community leader. Dorothys presidency of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas saw the formation of the Holocaust Education Committee, a state visit to the board of directors by then-Israel Prime Minister Shimon Perez, and the debut of what has since become an established and highly successful annual event, Federation's Super Sunday. Whether serving as president of the League of Women Voters of Las Vegas Valley, or as Chairman of Southern Nevada's Community Planning Council of United Way, or as Bullfrog County's Appointed County Commissioner, or as Vice President of the Clark County Education Foundation, or in many other integral community leadership roles too numerous to list; Dorothy Eisenberg's public life remains a living legacy for current and future I^as Vegas Jewish leaders, and her devotion to serving and leading the Jewish community is a role model for future generations. SENATOR WILLIAM H . HERNSTADT President, 1981 - 1982 A devoted public servant, Bill Hernstadt, served the Las Vegas Jewish com-munity as Federation's president during the same time he was serving Clark County Senatorial District 3 as Nevada State Senator (1977-1983). A native New Yorker with a Bachelor of Science/Physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Bill and his family immediately became active Las Vegas citizens, which included Bill's involvement with the Boulder Dam Boy Scout Council. Bill's sense of duty and community leadership encom-passed organizations and causes that touched the lives of many within the Las Vegas Jewish community including, Clark County's Chapter of the American Cancer Society and the Nevada Kidney Foundation. During Bill Hernstadts presidency, the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas held the first community-wide Israel Independence Day celebration. Today, Federations Israel Independence Day celebration is consistently the Las Vegas Jewish community's most highly attended annu-al public event, and, thanks to leaders like Bill Hernstadt and others who set high standards for mutual respect and cooperation, Federation's Israel Independence celebrations continue to reflect a genuine collaborative effort on behalf of the diverse and dedicated Las Vegas Jewish community. C H A M P I O N S OF F R E E D O M D I N N E R G A L A PHILIP ENGEL President, 1983 - 1984 Phil Engel, a longtime Las Vegas resident and community leader, was born in New York, educated at the University of Illinois and at UCLA where he earned a bachelor degree in Accounting. With CPA certificate in hand, Phil arrived in Southern Nevada in 1950 as part of the professional team responsible for installing a state-of-the-art accounting system for the opening of a legendary Las Vegas hotel and casino, the Desert Inn. While establishing the Accounting Firm of Engel & Engel and raising a family (Lisa, Robert and Amy) with his wife Adele, Phil served as president of the Jewish Federation. Bringing his keen organizational skills and business acumen to his role as Federation president, Phil helped develop some of our most enduring and dynamic programs including the Business and Professional Group and a stimulating adult learning opportunity, which has evolved into what we now know as the Dr. Harry L. Goldberg Jewish Lecture Series. In addition to his involvement with the Las Vegas Jewish community, Phil is also a member and leader of the Jaycees, having served as Treasurer of the Las Vegas Chapter. Phil Engel remains an active and vital member of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, serving on committees and continuing to share his professional expertise, personal wisdom and leadership skills with the Las Vegas Jewish community. HAL OBER President, 1985-1986\ 1989-1990 Hal Ober and his wife of 51-years, D'vorre, are both natives of Pittsburgh, PA, who moved to Las Vegas in 1977 when Hal became President of the Nevada Division of U.S. Home Corporation. Within a few years, Hal opened his own homebuilding business and over the next 16 years, built 26 communities within the Las Vegas valley. During Hal's first term as Federation's president, the Las Vegas Jewish commu-nity saw a dramatic increase in population and participation from active members. Special projects during Hal's first term included Project Renewal and our collective commitment to Ashdod, which was then our sister city in Israel. Hal's professional expertise and diplomatic, gentle-manly manner helped to strengthen and re-energize the Las Vegas Jewish community during some turbulent years. Hal's leadership as President of St. Jude's Ranch for Abused Children and as Governor's Appointee to the Nevada Environmental Protection Agency are living tributes to his constant efforts on behalf of people throughout our community. Hal was honored as the 1989 "Man of the Year" by B'nai B'rith. D'vorre and Hal were the honorees at the annual Jewish Community Center Banquet in 2000 as well as having a Clark County Elementary School named after them in 2001. C H A M P I O N S OF F R E E D O M D I N N E R G A L A ARNE ROSENCRANTZ President, 1987- 1988 The only past president of the Las Vegas Jewish Federation who gradu-ated from Las Vegas High School, Arne Rosencrantz is a 51-year mem-ber of the community, and he has always played a significant role in our Jewish and civic community leadership. Arne's professional and philan-thropic careers bespeak his regard for diligence, loyalty and commit-ment. Arne was also campaign chairman of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. He began working at Garrett's Furniture in 1967, and continued with the company in virtually every existing capacity prior to purchas-ing the company as its president in 1979. Highlights from Arne Rosencrantz' philanthropic and community spirited endeavors include a decade of governor appointed membership on the State Board of Medical Examiners in addition to Chairmanships of Federation's Young Leadership Program and the Retail Division of the American Cancer Society. Arne has received official recognition from both the U.S. Senate and Congress, and is the recipient of State of Nevada Proclamation declaring June 30, 2001 "Day in Honor of Arne Rosencrantz," from Governor Kenny Guinn for dedicated public service. Arne and his wife, Lynn share pride in the accomplishments of their two children, Marcus and Amy. Marcus is a recent graduate of the University of Nevada School of Medicine and Amy is a graduate of Brandeis University. Arne Rosencrantz continues to be an active member of the Jewish community. iii. V / DR. MARVIN A. PERER President, 1990 - 1992 Another native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dr. Perer attended Northwestern University Medical School. After his internal medicine res-idency at the University of Michigan and gastroenterology fellowship at the University of Wisconsin, Marv practiced medicine in Worcester, MA before moving his family to Las Vegas in 1982, where he continued his gas-troenterology practice until retiring in 1999. Dr. Perer's active leadership of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas leadership extends beyond his term as president. He has been campaign chairman twice in addition to endow-ment chairman, and has represented our Federation as a member of both the Board of the Council of Jewish Federations and the United Israel Appeal. Marvin's wife of 30-years, Irene, a CPA, shares her husband's com-mitment and support of the Jewish community, and has been our Federation's representative to the Western Region Partnership 2000 pro-gram linking Las Vegas with the Israeli communities of Kiryat Malachi and Hof Ashkelon. Marv and Irene are the proud parents of two accomplished offspring; their daughter Elise being a resident in urology at the University of California at Irvine, and their son Charlie as a financial professional in Los Angeles. C H A M P I O N S OF F R E E D O M D I N N E R G A L A DR. ALLAN N . BORUSZAK President, 1993 - 1995 Dr. Boruszak, a native of Chicago, attended college and medical school at the University of Illinois and did his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Tulane University in New Orleans. Relocating to Las Vegas in 1983 to start his own medical practice, Allan has been recog-nized by Las Vegas Magazine as one of the top doctors in the city, and by Las Vegas Business Press as one of the most successful local profes-sionals during his first year in Las Vegas in a category entitled 'Top 40 Under the Age of 40.' Since his arrival in Southern Nevada, Allan has been integrally involved with the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas in help-ing to improve the quality of life for his fellow Jews here, in Israel and around the world. His broad spectrum of Jewish leadership includes service on synagogue and Jewish Community Center of Southern Nevada Board of Directors, and he has served as Chairman of the Maimonides Society and as By Laws Chairman for the Federation. During his Federation presidency, Dr. Boruszak and staff were the first group to occupy the former Federation office on Maryland Parkway and are credited with the addition of the J C C SN and the former Jewish Community Day School as Federation ben-eficiary agencies. The father of six children, Dr. Boruszak and his wife MaryAnne remain active members of the Las Vegas Jewish community. ELAINE GALATZ President, 1995-1997 As president of Las Vegas Combined Jewish Appeal/Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, Elaine Galatz shared her natural leadership skills and tireless energy with the community during a period of years that can only be referred to as a dramatic 'growth spurt' in Southern Nevada's Jewish popu-lation. Harnessing and steering the rapidly increasing demands for imme-diate and long-range community planning as well as an expanded range of quality social services, Elaine's presidency saw the completion of a thorough demographic study of the Las Vegas Jewish community, the emergence of a fully functioning Hillel at UNLV, opening of a Jewish Community Day School as well as the Weinberger Museum of Jewish Culture, and launched initial research studies and plans for a Las Vegas Jewish Home for the Aged. Elaine's efforts on behalf o f the Jewish Federation have extended far beyond her presidency and she and her husband of 42 years, Neil, are both active Jewish community leaders. A mother of two, Dr. Leesa and Ms. Lara Galatz, Elaine is also an avid equestrian and currently serves as a Trustee of the America