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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - February 10, 195* if 23-1-135 Hr. 0. H. Bates - Los Angeles 001 Nr. Bm. Reinhardt Please refer to Agreements *H*L.D. 2770 and 2770-3 between Las Vegaa Land and Water Company and Ben Velngart severing extension of water mains to serve Charleston Park Tracts Ho. 1 and 2, Las Vegas, Nevada. In oonneotlon with the above, I an attaching hereto for your further handling easement dated November 25, 1953, between Nat Handel and Curtis p. Bummers and Las Vegas Land and Water Company, recorded in Book 73, Page 321, Book of Deeds, Clark County Records, along with easement dated November 25, 1953, between Rat Handel, David Bergateln, Curtis P. Bummers, Nathan J. Reese and Robert Frledland and Las Vegas Land and Water Oompany, whloh la reoorded In Book 73, Page 332, Book of Deeds, Clark County Reoords, both of whloh are In oonneotlon with water mains to be Installed pursuant to the above mentioned agreements. Attaohmsnts Haag MED:1m