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    STARDUST ($3 Minimum) Las Vegas, July 7. ?╟÷ This show g| H imported for a minimum six-month gg H run at the newly opened Stardust H I definitely establishes this hotel as g| B an important factor in the Las I B Vegas entertainment firmament. The Lido show, imported intact 1 ?√ß from Paris?╟╓ Le Lido, is one of the 1 ?√ß lushest shows in the area and is g ?√ß definitely important on several 8g H fronts, one being a virtual libera- jgj B tion from the necessity of em- | B ploying name performers, and ^ an- g| B other, a high standard of artistic M B splendor and a delicate feeling for 1 ?√ß the display of nudes, both male | Band female. Yet, even with bare- g ?√ß breasted beauts all over the place, g S| there is nothing overly sexy in the I ?√ß production numbers. They?╟╓re done 1 B with refinement and an accent on 1 ?√ß art. Donn Arden, who designed this g B show, has endowed it with good 1 However, even with its lack of | Bname value, it?╟╓s still evident that I Bit is a highly expensive proposi- g B tion. There are at least 20 stage- g g| hands in back to man the most 1 g complicated stage setup in any g B nitery in America, there are squads M g of electricians, and more girls than M Bare needed in the spots where H g names are necessary to bring in g Fortunately^ the stage and the B g show were designed for each other, g g There are hydraulic lifts on stage g g which permit almost immediate g g| transformation from an orthodox g g platform to a swimming pool or g Ban ice tank. The huge stage hasg g sufficient entrances and exits to g g clear the space almost immediately, g There is little that is shocking g g in the display. Perhaps the sex-g | lest moment is the Italian scene in g g which the lead nude Reuby Bruce g ?√ß lures a lad to her room, strips g I off her waist and offers herself S I to him and slowly the entire lift g I lowers away from view. The sense g I of the dramatic somehow takes the 1 I edge off the sexy motif. The individual scenes are lushly I B staged. A brilliantly costumed B B sequence is the ancient Roma num- I B her in which the swimming pool 1 is used. A huge mirror reflects | 1 the nautical maneuvers. The show ran overtime, with its I ?√ß retinue of acts which open with I gg rnagico Mervyn Roy, who works S ?√ß with manipulation of lighted elec- I g trie bulbs; Gino Donati and a con- I ?√ß frere, who bow as a singing act j ?√ß and* thence go into excellent aero- i g batics; juggler Eric Brenn, who I g keeps bowls and plates spinning I ?√ß simultaneously; and Georges Cam- I g po, assisted by Lina Mervel, who E g engage in some funny knockabouts. I Production singing is by Dor- I g othea McFarland, a soprano with I g fine capabilities, Stuart Hart and j g Arthur Maxwell. The sole skating I g sequence is by Jacqueline Du Bief, | Bone of the top Gallic icers. Artistic accoutrements of the j ?√ßproduction are the work of Falcog Bin the costume department; Harveyg gWarren and Coltellaei on sets;! B music by Landreau, Brienne & ggDelvincourt and lyrics by Jarrell! B& Davis. The entire layout is the! ?√ßconception of Pierre Louis-Guerinj & Rene Fraday. John Augustine! gshowbacked with great skill. Jose.I STARDUST: The bare facts are that the nude "C'Est Magnifique" at the beautiful new j Stardust Hotel add up to a sparkling potpourri of Lido nudes, French flair ! and a plushness that will spell millions riding to and through box office to casino. This sumptuous extravaganda guarantees a smash beginning for | this castle in the desert. Only thing missing in the French flavor is the Eiffel | Tower. Pierre Louis Guerin, Donn Arden and Rene Fraday who staged it under the supervision of Frank Sennes should get kissed on both cheeks by the entire French general staff. The show is all different; all new. It's import champagne complete with swim tank, ice rink and beauty contenders from the Champs Elysee. The naked eye gets so used to seeing nudes after a while that there's a shock when someone clothed prances on stage. There are many standouts (oops!) including Gino Donati, a fine tenor, Jacqueline Du Bief, Laura Kelly's Bluebell Club (16) and Eric Brenn, a fabulous juggler. But it's the girls that lend lustre to the amber and blue lights. The way we figure it is you can bet your bare-bottom dollar that this attraction will be the hottest in the history! || of the Strip (and that's exactly what we mean). I JOAN WINCHELL ? THEN ON to .the mid- -| night.sKow at the new $10,-j 000,000 'Stfrdust Hotel. It?╟╓s ! trtfty an extravaganssa;at its ; most extravagant. j^pplo-| g|?╜s to New York?╟╓fc:J|Q$s:- | ettes, Paris?╟╓ Folies Bergere | fi gj^d^the ^iegfeld qtleens.) LQ?║ ANGELES #^iid go : wild -over the but I there?╟╓s .not much dianca ! moving it. You?╟╓d have to up- | root the entire stage {which ?╜ dost $400,000) to get aU the effects. . THEY INCLUDE glam- ! j our girls descending from I*: ?√ß this ceiling, an orchestra ; suspended in mid-air and a f floor that becomes a swimming pool or ice rink at the flip of a switch. ALL THROUGH the / show, Jfal Roach Jr. (sitting * at the nest ringside' table) I kept exclaiming, ?╟úWow! : I?╟╓m just a cShhtar boy my-1