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Las Vegas City Ordinances, March 31, 1933 to October 25, 1950, lvc000014-141


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    (g) Milk or cream that has not been pre-cooled to such standard temperature fifty (50) degrees F. or lower, as herein provided. SECTION 5. It shall be unlawful for any producer or distributor to sell or deliver or possess with intent to sell or deliver any milk or cream without a permit from the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, such permit to be issued by the City Clerk upon a prescribed form. All applications for per­mits shall be in writing and shall state the location of the dairy or place of business; whether the applicant is owner, lessee or agent of the dairy; and the description and number of cows in the dairy herd. If the applicant is obtaining milk or cream from any source other than the herd described, he shall make the same statement for each dairy or herd from which he procures such milk and cream. Each applicant for a permit to be issued under the terms of this ordinance shall be accompanied by a fee of two dollars ($2), and all permits shall expire on the thirty-first day of December of each year. Fees so collected shall be used for the administration of the Milk Ordinance. Before the issuance of a permit, the appli­cation of same shall be passed upon by the Las Vegas Milk Ordinance Committee, as hereinafter provided, and said Milk Ordinance Committee shall recommend to the City Commissioners whether or not the same shall be issued. A reasonable time shall be allowed for the examination by the duly authorized milk Inspector of the dairy herds described in the application for permits, before any recommendations shall be made to the City Commissioner by said Milk Ordinance Committee; provided, how­ever, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to retail grocery stores, restaurants, or other retail establishments situated in the City of Las Vegas, pur­chasing milk or milk products from Distributors duly licensed under the terms of this Ordinance. PROVIDED FURTHER: That all milk shipped into the City of Las Vegas from out of state points for retail distribution must be raw milk; and provided, further, that in case of necessity due to an extreme shortage of milk or cream, any Milk Distributor licensed by the city of Las Vegas may obtain a supply of milk or cream either raw or pasteurized from other sources than his regular patrons by notifying the Milk Inspector of such shipment. SECTION 6. Notice shall be sent to the City Health Officer immediately by any milk producer or distributor upon whose dairy or in whose milk plant any case of sickness or any infectious, contagious or communicable disease occurs, among the personnel employed in such dairy or milk plant. SECTION 7. The duly designated dairy and Milk Inspector shall at all times reasonable, have access for the purpose of inspection and taking samples, of any dairy or other place where milk or cream is produced for sale, or to any wagon, truck, warehouse, or station to which milk or cream is being transported, or is being held for transportation or delivery. Any person who hinders or pre­vents such access shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Ordinance. SECTION 8. A Milk Ordinance Committee consisting of three members shall be appointed immediately upon the adoption of this Ordinance, one member to rep­resent and be appointed by the Milk Producers, and one member to represent and be appointed by the Milk Distributors, and the third member to be appointed by and be a member of the Board of City Commissioners of Las Vegas, and who shall act as Chairman of said Committee and as such shall call a regular monthly meeting of the Committee. Also he shall call an annual meeting for the election of officers and notify each permittee in writing, of the meeting at least one week before it is to be held. Each member of the Milk Ordinance Committee shall hold office for one year, and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. The Committee shall recommend to the City Commissioners the person desired to be appointed Milk Inspector, who shall be a qualified graduate veterinarian with a state and city license, or some person qualified by training and experience with a knowledge of the dairy industry, qualified to make all necessary tests, who has a state milk tester's license, and the committee shall receive from said Dairy and Milk In­spector monthly reports written or oral covering his official activities for the previous month at a regular monthly meeting of the Milk Ordinance Committee; and shall confer with the City Commissioners from time to time relative to the effic­ient enforcement of this Ordinance. SECTION 9. The City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas are hereby authorized to make by resolution such regulations from time to time as are nec­essary for the efficient enforcement of this Ordinance; to appoint a suitable person as Dairy and Milk Inspector for the City of Las Vegas in accordance with Section 8; and to issue permits for the sale of milk and cream as herein provided. The City Commissioners, upon the recommendation of the Milk Ordinance Committee, after affording the permittee a hearing, may revoke any permit issued under the terms of this Ordinance, upon determining that the person has violated any of the prov­isions of this Ordinance or the regulations made thereunder. SECTION 10. The salary and mileage allowance of the Dairy and Milk In­spector shall be fixed by the Milk Ordinance Committee and approved by the Board of City Commissioners, and the same to be paid monthly from the money collected by the City for fees as provided in the next succeeding paragraph. All laboratory rental, costs of supplies, equipment for making of tests, and mailing reports and any and all other expense incurred in his official duties in the laboratory shall be furnished and paid for by the City of Las Vegas up to an amount not exceeding the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) per month. SECTION 11. In order to create a fund for the payment of the salary and mileage of the Milk Inspector the following fees are hereby levied against all producers and distributors of milk and milk products herein named, doing business in said City: All producers of milk and buttermilk shall pay to the City Clerk at the end of each month a sum equal to one-tenth of a cent ($.001) per gallon on all such milk and buttermilk handled during such month, and all distributors of milk and buttermilk shall pay to the City Clerk at the end of each month a sum equal to one-tenth of a cent ($.001) per gallon on all milk and buttermilk handled during such month. And each such producer and distributor shall pay to the City Clerk