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I agree.APPENDIX A LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Summary of Tentative Appraisal of Water System Owned by L.A. & S.L. Railroad and Las Vegas Land & Water Co. UNION PACIFIC_______ _ DISTRICT Reproduction Cost - New Less Depreciation Reproduction Cost - New Less Depredation j; .A.& S.L. Production Facilities L.V. & W. Co. Distribution Facilities $1 ,680,2#* 1 .832.961 $1 ,299,522 1,51*2.1*0!* $1 ,630,678 1,71*0,765 $1 ,21*7,868 1.327.81*6 Total, including overhead Land & water rights $3,513,21*5 $2,81*1,926 267,650 $3,371*1*1*3 $2,527657,,761510* Total, lncl. land & water rights $3,109,576 $2,81*3,361* Deductions: Overhead Remove & replace pavement Accrued depreciation l/l/51 to 5/1/52 20l*,829 76,561* 109.500 Total deductions $i. 390r8Q3 Grand Total $2.1*52.1*71 Credit to District: Advances In aid of construction - estimated amount refundable Service installation charge » 6,877 2 $5.00 1*03,762 3V.385 Total credit to District $ 1*38.11*7 Grand Total, less credit to District $2,0ll*,32l* NOTE: Value of automotive, shop and other equipment and material and supplies on hand not Included.