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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, February 2007



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    Beth Sholom Bulletin Shelley's connection to Temple Beth Sholom spans three generations; from her parents to her children. A Temple member since she was 12, Shelley has been involved in everything from B'nai B'rith Girls and United Synagogue Youth to Women's League and is the first honoree to have been confirmed at Temple Beth Sholom. Temple members arc encouraged to support this event, the Temple's largest fundraiser of the year by buying a ticket to the event, donating an item for the auction and/or placing a tribute in the gala's commemorative journal. Watch for your invitation in the mail. For more information on this very special event, contact Julie Fox at 804-1333, ext. 103. Shelley Berkley To Be Honored As TBS Person Of The Year Congresswoman Shelley Berkley will be honored as this year's "Person of the Yearv at gala dinner event on Sunday, April 29 at the Suncoast Resort. As a member of the Southern Nevada community since childhood, Shelley has been involved in and greatly enhanced our temple and the community. Currently in her fifth term in the I louse of Representatives, Shelley has successfully sought appointments that enable her to meet the needs of the Las Vegas Valley; including her top priorities of education, transportation, affordable health care, and support for veterans, alternative energy and fighting Yucca Mountain. As a newly appointed member of the I louse Ways and Means Committee, Shelley is in a very strong position to continue to champion the issues of the Southern Nevada community. In Congress, Shelley has the distinction of being the most outspoken advocate on behalf of the State of Israel and for a secure and lasting peace in ihe Middle East. Schechter Chinese Auction &c Wine Tasting Event Mark you calendars for Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas" first big community event coming up on Saturday night, February 24th at 5:00 pm. This very special evening will celebrate Schechter's successful first three years and provide an opportunity for Schechter families, friends, and supporters to come together and take pride in what their hard work, dedication, and energy has created. An adjournal is being complied. If you have any questions about the event or the ad journal, please contact the School Office at 804-1333 ext. 114. February 2007- Shevat-Adar 5767 The Marriage Game Saturday, February 17, 7:30 PM The Adult Program Committee invites you to a fun, social evening as they host The Marriage Game. A take off of the ever-popular Dating Game TV show, this evening will feature some well-known Temple couples vying for the honor of the couple who knows each other the best. Contestants as of the writing of this article include Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and Dr. Larry Lehrner, Carolyn and Mayor Oscar Goodman, Liz and Rabbi Felipe Goodman, Lirnor and Jeff Michel man and Jill and Adam Carmer. Don't miss out on this fun-filled special event! Admission is $5, refreshments will be served. Please call Myrna in the Temple office at 804-1333, ext 100 to RSVP Upcoming Jewish Holidays Information Tu B 'Shevat February 3 Mishhach Mono! Deadline February 15 Purim Megillah Readings Marc h 3 Purim Carnival March 4 Enrollment Schedule for the 2007/2008 Sandra & Stanley lYIallin Early Education Center & Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas Currently Enrolled Families Temple Members Community Enrollment February 14 February 16 February 21 Rabbi Dear Friends: 1 write to you about a matter of utmost importance to me as a Jew and as an American. Given the events of the past year ? the takeover of the Palestinian Authority government by Hamas terrorists, the war with Hizballah, and the continuing threat of a nuclear Iran ? it is more important than ever that we stand united in support of our brothers and sisters in Israel. As you may know, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is America's pro-Israel lobby. AIPAC is charged with making sure that Congress and the U.S. Administration continue to work toward an ever-stronger U.S.-Israel friendship. Each year, AIPAC hosts its Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. including forums with the world's foremost experts in politics, public policy and the Middle East. Speakers include members of the Administration, leading congressional leaders of both parties and key Israeli officials. Most importantly, delegates have the chance to travel to Capitol Hill to meet face-to-face with our elected officials about the issues shaping America, Israel and the Middle East. With all that is happening in the world, this year's Policy Conference is more important than ever. I believe it is vital that the American Jewish community stand with Israel in this difficult time. Therefore, I am personally asking you to join (me and) a group of your fellow congregants at AIPAC's Policy Conference from March I I -13 in Washington, D.C. Though I have heard wonderful things about this gathering of over 5000 pro- Israel activists. I will be attending my first Policy Conference. If you have never been, I look forward to sharing this experience with you. If you've been before, please consider going again. You can learn more about AIPAC's f Policy Conference by contacting me at the synagogue office or on the web at Our congregation is proud of its commitment to the safety and security of Israel ? a commitment 1 know you share. Please call me at the synagogue office for more information about attending the Policy Conference or visit AIPAC's website at In the Spirit of Family While thinking about the Temple, the concept of the Temple as a "Family" truly hit home with me. As 1 look at our Temple calendar, there are a number of programs that bring home this point. On Saturday, February 3, the temple will host a group of talented teenage performers from Qiryak Bialik in Israel. Over the years, we have hosted many guests from Israel, treating them as family, feeling their triumphs and struggles and providing support to them in many ways. On Saturday, February 17, our new Adult Program Committee, under the guidance of Elsa and Allen Chiss will be hosting a program entitled, The Marriage Came. I encourage you to attend to get to know some of our temple couples in an up close and personal way. The beginning of March brings Purim and the Megillah of Esther. I hope you will make plans to be part of the temple family at this year's Purim celebration. We'll have traditional Megillah readings and a Purim shpiel; which you will not want to miss. We recently announced that Congresswoman Shelley Berkley will be the honoree at this year's Temple gala on April 29. We are so proud to be honoring a woman who has been part of our temple family for over 40 years; someone who often acknowledges the impact our synagogue made on her life. Unfortunately, along with the good, comes the bad. We have had a number of deaths within our congregational family. As with any family, the members of the congregation were here to support one another through this unusually hard time. Walking through the halls of the temple, I am constantly touched by the warmth of our staff and volunteers. I watch the children in our schools learning things that inspire them to live a Jewish life. I see the way we care for our community's elders at L'Dor VDor programs and at Shabbat services. I know that the spirit of family we have created here will truly be the foundation for the future of our congregation and for many of our congregational families. Ed Seltzer President First of all, everyone who was at the Rabbi's birthday Shabbat undoubtedly felt part of the TBS family. It was wonderful to experience this celebration, not only of the Rabbi's birthday, but also the celebration of the Rabbi and Liz's becoming United States citizens. There was a great deal of nachas in the sanctuary that night! Girl Scout Cookies Our own Troop 23 will be selling Girl Scout Cookies at TBS around Purim. Make sure to come by and help support our Girl Scout Troop. Friedman Friedman Pavilion Update During the past month, the capital campaign for the Friedman Multi- Generational Pavilion continued to grow with the support of new donors, bringing the total raised to over $5.5 million to date. During this time, the Temple's Board of Directors approved the allocation of funds needed to enter into agreements with consultants and engineers on the project. The information generated by these consultants will allow the committee to better refine the project and determine a more accurate project cost. Thank you to all of our current donors. Michael Abul Sidney Chaplin Memorial Fund Brad Friedmutter I lelen and Bobby Feldman Abbie and David Friedman Kevyn and Cantor Daniel Friedman I ^ana and Victor Fuchs Ivy and Noel Gage Liz and Rabbi Felipe (k?odman Andrea 6c Richard Gordon Priscilla and Abe Modes Neal Klegerman Yvette and Ellis Landau David I .anzkowsky Anita Lewy Judy and Ron Mack Flora and Stuart Mason Blanche and Phil Meisel Limor and Jeff Michelman Daniel Miller Philip Miller I .ari v Monkarsh Emily and Michael Novick Marci and Ed Seltzer Laura and Stanley Shuster Nancy and Gerry Springberg Betsi and David Steinberg I ,ara & David Stone Wendy Kraft and Laura Sussman Laliah and Corey Wachs Rosa Wolff Ruth and Mel Wolzinger Women's League of TBS Carol and Jeffrey Zucker Anonymous Donor Spotlight Corey and Daliah Wachs Corey and Daliah joined Temple Beth Sholom with their young children, Stone and Broc, in 2005; a natural decision for this young Jewish couple. Born in Maryland Corey moved to California at nine years of age. As Judaism was an important part of the Wachs household, Corey received a strong Jewish foundation from his family. After receiving his undergraduate degree from UNLV, he went on a sabbatical to Cancun where he taught scuba diving. After knowing all the fish on a first name basis he then returned to I _,os Angeles where he earned his Doctorate in Chiropractic. Corey is a dive master and pilot. Born in Los Angeles, Daliah was raised as a Conservative Jew by her mother, Karen and Israeli father Jehuda, who served in the Israeli Air Force in the early sixties. She attended Temple Beth Sholom on Oakey for a short period of time while living in Las Vegas, but when her family moved to AZ, was Bat Mitzvah'ed in Scottsdale. 1 ler family returned to I .as Vegas her senior year of high school and she went on to UNLV, meeting Corey. After completing medical school, she underwent her residency in Vegas at the University of Nevada, School of Medicine, became board certified in Family Practice and she and Corey formed their clinic, Integrative Family Medicine. Corey and Daliah have two children, Stone, age 6, and Broc, age 4. Stone currently attends the Sunday school, and Broc is the one that keeps knocking on the fish tank. They have two kittens named Shake and Bake. According to Daliah and Corey, "Daliah's father, Jehuda, passed away in November of 2004. We sec our dedication of a classroom in the Friedman Multi- (Generational Pavilion as a wonderful way to memorialize his dedication to Judaism, education, family and the preservation of Israel." For more information on how you can make a cash or in-kind contribution to Temple Beth Sholom's Friedman Multi- Generational Pavilion project, please contact Laura Sussman in the Temple office at 804-1333, ext. 133. Education ^Ybnina Schnee Jon Mitzmacher Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas THE SOLOMON SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOL OK LAS VEGAS ANNOUNCES EXPANSION IN FO FOURTH GRADE! SSDS-LVispleasedtoannounce its planned expansion into Fourth Grade as it prepares to kick off registration for 2007- 2008. The school in just three short years has grown from a First Grade of six students to a K-3 elementary school of forty-eight. Next year the school will add its next grade as it nears the fulfillment of its original vision of a fully grown out K-5 elementary school. Registration for next year for new families kicks off the week of February 12th. SCHECI ITER STUDENTS SEE STARS! On January 28th, the SSDS-LV Parent Organization took Schechter students on a "tour of the solar system" when it brought in an inflatable Sky Dome Planetarium to Schechter. Families entered "the dome to be introduced to a 'star filled' sky. In true Schechter fashion, we began by celebrating I lavdalah as a school community before students "learned how to identify stars and constellations." SCI IECI ITER C I . I B LAUNCHES CHESS As part of its commitment to providing diverse opportunities for after-school programming, the SSDS-LV is proud to announce the founding of a Chess Club. Beginning on January 31st, Schechter students will have a chance to learn the game of chess and foster strategic and critical thinking skills. The Judy and Ronald Mack School of Religious Studies On January 7th, Rabbinic Intern Benny Katz shared his energetic wisdom with the Religious School, visiting each grade to discuss the weekly Torah portion, prayers, and answering the challenging questions posed by our students in our periodic "Ask the Rabbi" sessions. What depth of thought the children displayed! On January 21st, we were thrilled to see so many Religious School parents came to discuss their children's progress at Parent-Teacher Conferences. A dialogue between faculty and families is crucial to providing a top-notch Jewish education, and of course we all appreciate feedback throughout the year. It is apparent that when we all work together, the education of our children will be given the best possible chance at becoming an enriching and meaningful experience. On January 26th, Kitah I lay (Fifth Grade) led the Kabbalat Shabbat service, and all were impressed at the energy and preparation they put in, to show how much they've been learning this year! Come share the naches when Kitah Dalet (Fourth Grade) has their turn to shine on Friday, March 23rd! Midrasha Fhe teens of TBS also came together in January to explore their world through a Jewish lens, and to find ways to bring our ancient traditions to life in modern times. Delving into subjects such as social justice and civil rights, our teens are beginning to understand how history tends to repeat itself, but that each generation has the opportunity to better our world and ourselves. Teens coming together to grapple with the issues, discuss possible solutions to the challenges we face, and sharing the experience of being Jewish with their peers is an important key to furthering the future of the Jewish people. I .ed by Cindy Fox and Rabbinic Intern Benny Katz, teens are becoming inspired to learn, create, and act. Ilkkun Olam, improving the world, is what they art; preparing for! Adult Education Thursday nights find many of our adult congregants in the classrooms, learning to read I lebrew, filling in the gaps in their knowledge of Jewish traditions, and familiarizing themselves with the Shabbat and 1 loliday services. It is apparent that I BS believes in a lifelong learning process, and the example the adults set for our younger members is ultimately the best gift that they can give! By now you should have received the Spring Supplement for Adult Education, but p* lease call Lillian Radomsky at extension 114 if you would like a supplement mailed to you, if you would like to join the Adult Education Commission, of if you have any questions about Adult Education at TBS. The Sandra & Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center Jennifer Zukowski Sandra & Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center Beginning in November, The Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center began working toward national accreditation through NAEYC. Established in 1926, the National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) sets guidelines and standards that define what a quality program should look like. All college-level preschool education courses, university preschool programs, and other top-notch preschools are accredited by NAEYC, meaning they meet an exhaustive list of extremely tough guidelines. Programs that can prove through particular sources of evidence including observations, documentation, and surveys, that they meet NAEYC's 10 standards can become accredited. Knowing that we have an amazing program at the Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Temple News Childhood Center, we realize that although time-consuming and paper-intensive, accreditation is the way to go to prove that we tire doing what is right for our children. In order to reach this accreditation goal, the teachers and staff have begun an intensive review of themselves, their classroom performance, and environment in order to honestly evaluate how our program functions and to see whether improvements or changes are needed. The entire ECC is involved in this rigorous self-study, including the parents. We look forward to the knowledge and validation that this process will bring us. The Men's Club Mind Bv Marlowe JVIogill I lope this note finds all in good health. I have a list. It goes like this: 1. Congrats to Jeff Michelman and the entire Softball team for their absolutely spectacular season. Competing against countless formidable Jewish opponents, they finished the season in 2nd place. They have made us, the Men's Club who sponsors the team and TBS very proud. 2. On January 10th, the, Cruise Raffle Drawing and Dinner were held. We sold many rallies. We should have sold many more, but --. Anyhow, after a major substantial dinner which was attended not only by Men's Club members, but their significant others - the drawing was held. Our own Carol Jeffries who did so much work helping us out on the raffle, "picked" the prize envelope. The winner was 11. LH Good for you! I spoke with I I.E. and he thanked us many, many times. I le was really incredibly shocked that he had won. A $2,000.00 cruise gift certifcate isn't too hard to take. 3. The World Wide Wrap will take place on Sunday, February 4th at 9:00 in the Steinberg Sanctuary. Please come and help us make this a success. Tefillin are the order of the day - but, if you don't have your own, we will supply them for you, as well as instructions on how to wear them. Bring your red yarmulkes. If you "misplaced" yours, we have your size in stock. Oh yes, a lovely breakfast to follow - for participants only. 4. The Men's Club Shabbot is scheduled for Saturday, March 24th. The guys in the club will do the entire service. There are still some spots available. These are English speaking assignments - so step right up to the microphone. Please contact Dick Eskinazi at ASAP. 5. With a heavy heart, we mourn the passing of Alma Brooks, wife of'Rabbi 1 lershel Brooks. Alma gave so much to us and expected so little in return. Although her physicality is no longer with us, her spirituality will never, no never leave us. 6. Our condolences to Cantor Friedman, and the entire Friedman family, on the unexpected passing of his beloved mother. May you know only naches and simchas. 6. The Men's Chevra Kadisha is in an absolute need of more volunteers. Helping to prepare the dead for their internment is a bigmitzvah. It is one of those "things" which has an incredible positive impact on the participating members. You must be available during the week. Please contact me, Marlowe at, for more information. Families request our services all the time. Do not let them down. Do not let your family down. Stay well. Keep Israel in your prayers. Men's Chevra Kadisha By Marlowe JMogill TBS has a "burial society." Everyone here, will, in time, be in need of burial help. The Chevra Kadisha helps to prepare the departed for their internment. The Men's Chevra Kadisha is in dire need of volunteers for this exceptional mitzvah. No, it is not an ugly or scary thing to do. Yes, it is not for everybody. But, if you are available, or can be available during t he week to help out, that would be most wonderful. I lopefully, your personal family, when requesting a tahara, (ritual preparation), of a loved one is told that another "agency" will do this because TBS just doesn't have the manpower, don't be upset. Please think about this. We really need help! Thank you. Marlowe Mogill 2nd Annual Book Binding Clinic, Sunday, February 25 Perform a mitzvah and learn a new skill at Temple Beth Sholom's 2nd Annual Book Binding Clinic, from 1:00-4:00 PM on Sunday, February 25. You'll learn all of the skills necessary to repair book bindings and put your new skills to work as we repair the synagogue's Etz I layim. Please RSVP to Myrna in the Temple Office at 804-1333, ext. 100. Tributes RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Shirley Chaplin Joe Lisa Kay The Lionel Foundation Thank you: Stephanie & Ira Epstein In Honor of: Laura Ac Uri Ben-Shimon's Bahv Naming of Shilee Susan 6c Scott Larigsner Burl Galper's Retirement DTorre & Hal Ober Rabbi Felipe, Liz &c Yoshua Goodman becoming United States Citizens Marcia, Lawrence, Emerson & Sumner liergenfield Dee & Fred Berkley Barbara 6c Bernie Fruchter Andrea, Richard!, Drake 6c Scarlett Cordon Elaine, Howard & Holly Jacobs Susan 6c Scott Larigsner Anita Lewy D'vorre & /lal Ober Lillian 6c Mike Radomsky Rochelle 6c Arnold Schneider Dr. Sheldon Schore Ellen Scu lly Jackie 6c Ron Turshinsky Ellen Tucker Rabbi Felipe Goodman's Speeial Birthday Audrey 6c Stan Abramow Deanne Alterwitz-Stralser Ella 6c Ludwig Bauer Dee 6c Fred Berkley Ronnie Berkowitz 6c Fcunily Lisa 6c Neil Brawistein Ruth 6c Allen Brewster Shelley, Stan, Lisa 6c David Carroll Sally 6c Dick Eskenazi Esther Frankenstein Barbara 6c Bernie Fruchter Dr. Jason 6c Cheryl Garber / lorry Gilbert Lilian Clicken Edythe 6c Irwin Goldberg Andrea, Richard, Drake 6c Scarlett Gordon Sheryl / lonig 6c Jaclyn / lonig Ethel Koulange Debbie Lederer Anita Lewy Judy 6c Ronald Mark Blanche 6c Phil Meisel Marci, Rob, Sydney 6c Zack Murdock Racine 6c Gerry Murdock Lily Phillips Lillian 6c Mike Radomsky Lynn 6c Arrie Rosencrantz Dr. Sheldon Schore Ellen Scully Claire 6c Jewed Shafer Miriam & Mcuwice Sharp Elaine & Irv Steinberg Lara & David Stone Heidi 6c David Straus Helene 6c Harold Sussman Jackie 6c Ron Turshinsky An Alivah: Holly Jacobs In Memory of: Alma Brooks Evelyn 6c Leon Goldstein Maurice Coronel DTorre & Hal Ober CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Shirley Chaplin In Memory of: Marilynn Friedman Joanna, David, Josh 6c J ilium Alexander Dee 6c Fred Berkley Ruth 6c Allen Brewster Beverlee 6c Mel Chervitz Belinda 6c Andrew Dormer 6c Family Eunice & Alan Galsky Lilian Clicken Melanie 6c Gene Greenberg Sally 6c Dick Eskenazi Debbie Lederer Louis Levin, Ashley 6c Chelsea Anita Lewy Blanche 6c Phil Meisel Limor 6c Jeff Michel man Felice, Joshua, Sarah, / leather & Courtney Scare Paul Schmier Rochelle 6c Arnold Schneider Ellen Scully Lara 6c David Stone 6c Family Heidi 6c David Straus Helene 6c /larold Sussman Jackie 6c Ron Turshinsky CAPITAL CAMPAIGN In Honor of: Rabbi Felipe, Liz & Yoshua Goodman becoming United States Citizens Rabbi Felipe Goodman's Speeial Birthday Melanie 6c Gene Greenberg PRESCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: Lynn Bennett Mona 6c Charles Silverman Connie Chris Mona 6c Charles Silverman Maurice Coronel Joanna, David, Josh 6c J ilium Alexander SOLOMON SCHECIITER DAY SCHOOL In Honor of: Rabbi Felipe Goodman's Speeial Birthday Rabbi Felipe, Liz ?c Yoshua Goodman becoming United States Citizens Jacquie , Marc, Joseph 6c Adam Frye Speedy Recovery: D'Vorre Ober I lerb Roth Helene & Harold Sussman In Memory of: Maurice Coronel Jean 6c Louis Arin Anita Glass Lara 6c David Stone & Family Ernest Preisler / ielene 6c Harold Sussman JUDY & RONALD MACK SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES In Honor of: Shirley Chaplin's Birthday Judy & Ron Mack SIDNEY CHAPLIN MEMORIAL FUND In Honor of: Shirley Chaplin's Birthday Judy 6c David Applebaum Edythe 6c Irwin Goldberg Mona 6c Charles Silverman Tina Hamilton's Birthday Shirley Chaplin Tributes Judy Mack's Birthday Ronald Mack's Birthday Shirley Chaplin Randi Matushevitz' Art Exhibit at the Las Vegas Art Museum Sheryl Honig Lillian & Henry Kronberg Ellen Ploesch Speedy Recovery: Diane Neiman Shirley Chaplin In Memory of: Sidney Chaplin Bonnie Berkowitz Marilvnn Friedman Shirley Chaplin AUDREY MERKTN SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Rabbi Felipe Goodman's Special Birthday Rabbi Felipe, Liz &e Yoshua Goodman becoming United States Citizens Beverlee & Melvin Chervitz In Memory of: Daniel Fox Beverlee & Melvin Chervitz Marilynn Friedman Mona Charles Silverman Harold Spector Harold De Armas Ruthe Spector GENERAL FUND Jason Mash Lee 6c Pamela Rothman In Honor of: Bnrt Galper's Retirement Debbie Lederer's Birthday Debbie Lederer on the Birth of your Great Grandchild Laura Sussmari 6c Wendy Kraft An Aliyah: Nina 6c Les Boshes Speedy Recovery: D'Yorre Ober Deanne A Iterwitz - Stralser In Memory of: Alma Brooks Sally 6c Dick Eskenazi Lillicui 6c Mike Radomsky Maurice Coronel Laura Sussmari 6c Wendy Kraft Daniel Fox Melanie & Gene Greenberg Fallen Scully Max German Matt Kraft Laura Sussmcm 6c Wendy Kraft Esther Molly Gewercer, Mother Sam Gewercer Anita Glass Laura Sussmcm 6c Wendy Kraft YAHRZETT/MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Oscar Alterwitz Decmne Alterwitz-Stralser Edward Altman Bobbi & Hesh Altman Gabriel Bergman Robert Bergman Susan Berman Ruth Bartriof Rivka Blatt Shirley Chaplin Donald Bogart Arline 6c Morris Reisman Lillian Brustowsky Ruth & Allen Brewster Alfred Burns Ella Burns Rae Chaplin Shirley Chaplin Benjamin Dvorak Esther Dvorak Sam Dvorak David Mitchell Ehrlich Gladyce 6c Marty Ehrlich Albert Forman Sarah Forman Helene Shay Albert Fruchter Gertrude Fruchter Barbara & Bernard Fruchter Celia Genzer Terri Wilensky- Genzer 6c Robert Genzer Rave S. Gilbert Bonnie Berkowitz 6c Family / larry Gilbert llarriette Watson & Family Bernice Glazer Birdie 6c Jerry Willick Abraham Goldberg Edythe 6c Irwin Goldberg Milton Goldfarb Alan Goldfarb Lena Goldstein Mori Goldstein Irving Gordon Pat 6c Don Gordon Leroy Gordon Barbara 6c Alan Gordon Hermenia Gottlieb Sheldon Gottlieb Frances Grippo Roslyn Smoleri Ernest Gross Penny 6c Eva Mendlovic Henry Harrison Dee 6c Fred Berkley Arthur Jaeger Jcicque Jaeger Albert Koulangc Ethel Koulange Lily Phillips Estelle Kulwin May Kulwin Albert A. Kulwin Ruth Kunin Ishi Kunin, Shoshana 6c Ariana W ilbur Lee Lois Lee Shike Levine Esther Frankenstein Abbot Long Blanche 6c Phil Meisel Fanny Mann / hide 6c Eric Mayer Dorothy Minsberg Lilian Glicken Rose Molasky Susan 6c Irwin Molasky Lawrence (Larry) Mushkin May Mushkin & Family Jacob Ober DTorre 6c Hal Ober Max Phillips Ethel Koulange Lily Phillips I larry Louis Raphael Sheldon Raphael Rose Raphael Evelyn Resnick Sol, Michael, Blake 6c Kathryn Resnick V'mn -nx-tnw February SUNDAY MONDAY Shevat-Adar 5767 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 8 13 Shevat ^ 16 Shevat 4 mm 17 Shevat 5 18 Shevat 6 19 Shevat ^ ^ 20 Shevat Purim Spiel Rehearsal 1:00 pm Bereavement Group 10 am Women's League Board Meeting 10:00 am TBS Film Festival 7:00 pm Suncoast Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm | 23 Shevat 1 1 24 Shevat m 25 Shevat 13 Bereavement Group 10 am m m 26 Shevat 14 jm mm 27 Sheva' 15 Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm jm 30 Shevat 18 1 Adar 19 2Adar m 3 Adar 21 224Ada Purim Spiel Rehearsal 1:00 pm Bereavement Group 10 am Women's League General Meeting 11:30 am Men's Club Meeeting 6:00 am Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm mm 7 Adar 25 8Adar 26 ^ ^ ? ? p p 9 Adar ^ ^ g 10 Adar 1 Book Binding Clinic 1:00 pm Bereavement Group 10 am Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm Calendar FRIDAY SATURDAY Special Events Qiryat Bialik Performance Group Concert Saturday, February 3,2007 at7:00 pm Enjoy this internationally renown group of 20 Israeli teens performing a rich repertoire of Israel, Jewish and international songs and dances. Reserved seat tickets for this very special concert are $50 & $120 and General admission tickets are $20 for Adults & $10 for children. Tickets may be purchased at the Temple office. SSDS Wine Tasting & Chinese Auction Saturday, February 24,2007 at 5:00 pm For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact the SSDS office at 804-1333 ext. 114. The Marriage Game Saturday, February 17,2007 at 7:30 pm A take-off of the Newlywed Game featuring well-known TBS couples. $5 Tickets are available in the Temple Office 2nd Annual Book Binding Clinic Sunday, February 25,1-4 PM Perform a mitzvah and learn a new skill as you help repair the synagogue's Etz Hayim. Please RSVP to Myrna in the Temple Office at 804-1333, ext. 100. Havdalah & Traditional Family Megillah Reading J L Saturday, March 3 ,2007 at 6:30 pm ^ Steinberg Chapel c ^ f t Megillah Reading & Purim Shpiel Play Saturday, March 3 ,2007 at 6:30 pm Sharon E. Sigesmund Sanctuary 14 Shevat 0 ^ 15 Shevat Shabbat Ha Neshama with TBS Ruach Ensemble Mincha Maariv with Seudah Shlishit 4:30 pm Qiryat Bialik Youngsters Group Concert 7:00 pm light candles at 4:51pm Tu B'Shevat ^ ^ 21 Shevat 4 10 ^ 22 Shevat Friday Night Kids 6:30 pm Chase Donner Bar Mitzvah Mincha Maariv with Seudah Shlishit light candles at 4:58 pm 4:43 pm Yitro m 28 Shevat 16 light candles at 5:06 pm ^ ^ 5 Adar Shevat Jacob Meltzer Bar Mitzvah Family Shabbat Service 10:00 am Mincha Maariv with Seudah Shlishit 4:45 pm Marriage Game 7:30 pm _Mish?atim 0 % j m 6 Adar 24 Connor Zwerg Bar Mitzvah light candles at 5:12 pm Mincha Maariv with Seudah Shlishit 5:00 pm SSDS Wine Tasting & Chinese Auction 5:00 pm Bo 0 ^ ^ 12 Adar 3 13 Adar Shabbat Ha Neshama with TBS Ruach Ensemble Megilla Reading (see side box) light candles at 5:19 pm Tributes Nathan Robinson Marcy 6c Jerry Samoiloff Lillian Rosenberg Philip Rosenberg Monroe Rosenberg / leleri Rosenberg Betty Rosencrantz George Rosencrantz Lynn & Arne Rosencrantz Jacob Rosenthal Florence Bolcitin Gertrude Rubenfield Jack Rubenfield Elaine 6c Robert Levin Bessie Sala Nancy I lorowitz Norman Samoiloff Marcy 6c Jerry Samoiloff Jacob Schmier Paul Schmier Karen Schore Sandy Schore Andrea, Richard, Drake 6c Scarlett Gordon Dr. Sheldon Schore Pearl Sch ussier Charles Schnssler Max Schwartzer Sylvia A.- Howard Schwartzer Irv ing Shulman Debbie Lederer Jacob Stein Judy 6c Manny Stein I larold Robert Stern Dr. Albert & Nancy Rosten I larold Stralser Deanne Alterwitz-Stralser Claire Turner Gladyce & Martin Ehrlich Max Ukeiley Sheri Newberry I larry Unell Louise Unell & Steve Gleicher Flossie Walters Murray Schofel Joseph Weiner Lilian Glicken Seymour Wittenberg Sydelle Markowitz Dr. William Winner Dorothy Demby-Lasky 10 John Wolff Rosa Wolff L'DOR V'DOR Miriam Abrahams Aaron Cantor Sylvia Feigelson Slid Feldman Mildred Gerson Faye Gerstein Faye Grossman Bella Jacobson Rose Levenson Faye 6c Marvin Levin Delores Levine Gloria Menes Fred Rose Helen Rosenberg Miriam Shientag Sidney Silberman Shirley Smoler Betty Solberg Carol Ruth Solomon Eleanor Tagler Lillian Vinik Rose Volpiansky Irene & Alexander Weiland Shirlee Werner Celia Yalowiec In l lonor of: Ruth Goldfarb's Birthday Rochelle 6c Arnold Schneider Speedy Recovery: DYorre Ober Denise, Marc, Jacob 6c Daniel Abramow In Memory of: Maurice Coronel Denise, Marc, Jacob & Daniel Abramow Morris Plotkin Ella 6c Andy Perla WARSAW REMEMBRANCE GARDEN Speedy Recovery: I) Vorre Ober Lillian 6c Henry Kronberg HEATTIER SAXE SCI lOLXRSI IIP FUND In Memory of: Maurice Coronel Daniel Fox Andrea, Richard, Drake 6c Scarlett Gordon Dr. Sheldon Schore Anita Glass Felice, Joshua, Sarah, Heather 6c Courtney Saxe Karen Schore Marci 6c Steve Saxe Laura, Stan,