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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr* Jefferst #4 July 31, If it* Another item that should fee given our conaidera tion is the lack of water ©n the has Segal Ranch, which wa have under lease to till titwer at an annual rental of |3,000. While the terms of the lease do not require us to deliver a stated amount of water to the Ranch in the summer months, nevertheless it permits hie withdrawal from the lease in the event no water is available. Re has quite a herd of dairy ©owe which provides practically all of the milk used fey one of the creameries in town. proximity t© the settling basin, where surface indications are favorable for additional development of water. I would recommend we have a competent geologist give careful study to theas two points, with & view to drilling one or two more wells, ifolohever his report would show to fee the most ad­vantageous. Meanwhile, 1 am arranging with the Railroad Water Service Department to re-surge Sell Ho* 3, drilled in 1930, with a view to securing enough additional water to get us through the remaining hot weather of this year. oo - Mr. H. A. Toland Thaak you for your letter of July 10th. There are two locations on our holdings, in close Tours very truly WALTER R. BRACKEN, Tice President. Mr. Frank Strong