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    «r* u Am m & m Um Vagus * M ? 30» f e # w 2 3 M . oo ** Jsr* a# im Wm c, :!, Aifetteaaa * Beferring to it*o* 671 authorising ©ofiatmotion o f riwofiam# &pnur stuoa nsti stwo puoornttiraoont oAfu daiitm nBo*m r n m * t m ?aga»* Fetor and Cuba Slog* lOSdQ with Posorlption of uoxtc psrfoma&i U nstruot ^27 liftoal foot o f .4* east Iron meter n&ln* Words ties oomsnood .April 23, 1951 end oorrplated Hay 25, 1951* Attached la detail of olmrsoo to iterfe order 671 aonoootts nttoi ntg heto Sul!bXdf5i?v3i*d0e6r cInhcalrugdeianbgl el dt$o£ Ifnovre estumpeenrte*t ei$ohne e ntdo tal otov erC*hAe»a d1 0l5a8 03*X #?f3i0d*s3 ?l aa&nvde Iss m isu feisjEeoaeta s toof r ei|n2p89i» 6p3u rosfu atnht© Bub» di udders m g m ^ to tm m t m & m i for uidoh Pom xS3, *-3*a. mtm?* Onto for depreoi&tiott pushes** Is as follofzs* 6 * o* x* tfetap Hain fca?* £1,573*06 feervlee 1308* 13000 to 13Q20 both ineltiaive have bean assigned to this Agreement* oorspleAiett aacchceoudn tisin gs*tatement of adjustments necessary to X on enolesing to 19p* Adanaon aftetoh ebou&ng SM Constructed* data end to «r* Sates aaaacent sHMotsd tjy H r * a n d H r s * GXcms* * •• Johnson