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    SE R IE S 1892. hate or Nevada—Land Department. THIS ARTICI.E/OF AGREEMENT, / r ' r ^ ........ d a y of,................ 189^J.,\ru and between (Du iw+ date.1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <— jll— M ade and entered into this between the State o f N evada, acting through J. E. JONES, Survey or-GeneraL-and e x -o ff (no R egister o f they State L and Office o f said State, p a rty o f the first pa rt,-an d ....... ........ ....C IJ J d u Z / S ^ / y jQ / I A t /L/... ......................, o f the County o f y C i f ’X o n U d t l e pa rty o f the second part, That the pa rty o f the first part, fo fi and in consideration o f one dollar and tw enty-five cents ($ 1.25 ) per acre, good and law fu l m oney o f the United States, payable as hereinafter expressed, by the p a rty o f the second part, doth agree to convey to the pa rty o f the second part, by good and sufficient patent, in fee simple, the follow ing-described lands, to-ivit: DESCRIPTION. mm. 'y J jjL g .. J j f v ?of.. ? Of- M t. Diablo B ase and M eridian, containing. ...:.../ scit /q & ,.//!!/)...) acres j provided, that all mines of gold, silver, copper, lead, cinnabahfaml other valuable minerals, that may exist in said lands, are hereby expressly reserved by the State. In consideration/Of w hich the p a rty o f the second part, fo r h./jtt. self, h/<s? heirs, adm inistrators, executors or assigns, doth agree to p a y the State o f N evada at the rate o f one dollar and tw enty-five cents ($ 1 .2 5 ) per acre, as above stated, o f ivhich sum the p a rty o f the second p a rt has heretofore paid the sum o f tw enty-five (2 5 ) cents per acre; and it is hereby fu rth er agreed th at the p a rty o f the second p a rt shall, w ithin tw enty-five (2 5 ) years from the date o f this A rticle o f A greem ent, p a y the balance ofygaid owe dollar an d .twenty-fivd/cents (S i.25 ) per aery, viz., one ($ 1 ) dollar per acre, i. e., the sum ^ dollars, w ith interest thereon at the rate o f six per centum per anrymn//interest payable an nually, as provided in Section 8 o f an A ct entitled “ A n A ct to provide fo r the selection and sale o f lands th at have been or m ay hereafter be gra n ted by the United States to the State o f N evada,” approved M arch 1 2 ,1 8 8 5 ; as am ended M arch 11, 1889. r A nd it is hereby fu rth er provided and agreed, th at the pa rty o f the second part, h/ef....... heirs, ad m inistrators, executors or assigns, m ay at an y tim e prior to the m atu rity o f this Contract m ake fu ll paym ent fo r the lands described in this A rticle, and receive from the State o f N evad a a patent fo r the sam e, issued in the nam e o f the applicant. THIS MAW^/ UPON THE EXPRESS CONDITIONS, viz.: That i f the said _______ .......................... ..........................................................., p a rty o f the second part, shall fa il to p a y the principal sum herein specified, or the interest thereon, according to the term s o f this A greem ent, as herein stipulated, the lands herein described, and the m oney paid thereon, shall im m ediately and un­conditionally revert to the State o f N evada, and the lands be th ereafter subject to sale in the sam e m anner and under the sam e conditions as though this Contract o f Sale had not been m ade. A gent.